Dear Teenager, Please Listen To What I Have To Say



I am Daniel Akpai you brother in Christ, I got born again in 2003 but before then as I TEENAGER I lived my life chasing the world and sexual IMMORALITY.. Yes! I was a tout, we fought from street to street until God arrested me in 2003...

Some months ago I visited my home town, I was privileged to see some of my old teenage friends who we used to be stubborn and commit sins together.. To my greatest surprise some are destroyed by hard drugs,some are still touts, I have preached to them in many occasions but all my messages fell on deaf ears...

Many of them have died because of social vices.. some are with deadly disease..  I saw two of them mad on the street due to hard drugs.. sincerely I couldn't get close... Why not pray for them? Sir I was not led 

DEAR TEENAGER, a time will come you will regret ever living the kind of life you are living today, you will regret loosing your virginity to a guy because of peer pressure..

You will regret joining a group that adds no value to your life..

You will regret commiting many abortions before marriage..

You will regret destroying your kidney and liver with the smoke of cigarettes.

You will regret doing so many things as a teenager...

Here is the truth of the matter, it is not every teenager that escape the consequences of their teenage ACTIONS..

I know the only thing you think about now as a teenage girl is that boy friend, you even insults your parents and anyone that wants you to get your sanity back.. All these people telling you to stop are helping you.. listen to them...

This S*X you are running after.. the same girl you are running after will deny you when he go es you pregnancy..

Dear young teenage brother, don't join hard gang.. they don't last.. Don't give your parents sorrow..

We have son making their parents proud..

Stop clubbing..

Stop bringing ridicules to your family...

At this point all you need to do is sit and discover your purpose.. Chasing ladies can be fun but I bet you that will bring your early death.. is either you die by HIV or someone kills you because you collected his girl friend...

Before you have many regrets tomorrow think about this and stop anything that doesn't glorify God..



If Your Marriage Must Work



By Apostle Daniel Akpai.

Don't skip this READ it till the end!

Before we got married I told my wife I came from a broken home and how my father and mum got divorce in 1993. I told her what we went through as children especially when we were not allowed to see our mum and daddy was not always around to take care of us since he was a public transport driver.. from that experience I told my wife from day one that we are not getting divorced and that we must make it work....

What most parents don't know is that many children go through emotional trauma when they see their parents in crisis or divorce yet they lack avenue to express themselves as children.. I have been there I know what am saying...

The truth is that there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop divorce totally because many were deceived into marriage, many have bad luck in marriage, many wives and husbands are stubborn and arrogant with no iota of reachable spirit, some women when their husbands say 1 they will say 100 and some men when their wives says 1 she become a punching bag. Now tell me how such marriages will last?

Some years ago I have blamed people for going in their separate ways not until I began to listen to some of them to know what really happened..

One day I asked myself if I could bear such in a marriage I told myself NEVER!!! 

Things are really happening in marriages fa! If you are not there you won't understand their pains...

Few days ago a man met me and told me he is leaving his wife.. I asked why?

He told me all he is going through in the hands of the wife, I have asked the wife to hear her side of the story before as well.. Guess what! What the wife was vomiting in my presence got me scared.. 

I told myself if she could talk this way in my presence then this man is trying.. Today nobody is blaming village people over the divorce that is about to hit them oh! Most problems in marriage are mouth problems...


1. Learn to control your anger when angry

2. Learn to overlook some things in marriage

3. Learn to forgive each other

4. Learn to respect and adore each other

5. Both of you should make it a decision that your marriage will work

6. Both of you should make it work. Don't leave it on one person. It won't work that way

7. I beg you in God's name; Anything your partner says he or she doesn't like pls stop it forever.

8. Learn to understand each other 

9. Never compare your spouse to your EX or anyone.

10. Live according to your means.

11. Be faithful and loyal to each other. Avoid cheating it pains.

12. Be best of friends..

If this blessed you then take it to your timely it might heal a home through you...






Six Mistakes You Must Never Make In Life.



By Apostle Daniel Akpai.

Some people say "experience is the best teacher but I realized that it is not every experience people survive to learn from. That is why this article will help to guide you on common mistakes you must avoid.

1. You must do all you can never to marry wrongly. If you get into bad marriage it is likely to affect your focus and assignment here on earth.

2. Dont run from God at your youthful age. Do all you can to find and love God as early as possible because knowing God as early as possible helps you avoid some battles that are likely to come with you live your life anyhow. In addition, when you know God you can never end in regrets.

3. Don't play with your life when you're young.

Discover purpose early and chase it. Fellows who play with their lives when they are young tend to be miserable at old age. Some even get rejected in the community when they need help.

4. Weakness and character problems. No matter how talented you are if you have weakness and character problems you won't go far in life. Never say "people will accept me for who I am" that statement is the reason many don't work on themselves. Do all you can to work on yourself if you must get to the top

5. Poor financial management. If you can't work and save for the future the future won't be fair to you. A wise man said "The future belongs only to those who plan it". 

6. Peer pressure. Do all you can never to bow to the pressure gotten from friends who want you to do things that are morally bad. Some of them actually want to break from it but they can't so they see you as a SAINT and would want all of you to fall and go down together. Be wise, remember those who smoke, drink alcohol, womanize or club start from peer pressure. Be wise and check your association.

I just hope you learnt from this.. if you take this post to your TIMELINE it might help someone too.



How To Make Your Marriage Heaven On Earth



By Apostle Daniel Akpai.
Lately many are scared going into marriage because of the high rate of divorce in many marriages regardless of their religion.

I have heard some singles saying, "I don't want to marry because of the problems". In this article I want to prove one point to you. I want to write categorically clear that it is not all marriages that are going through hell... The thing is, when you take your cloth to tailor who decides the style to be sewn? When you want to build a house and you speak to an architect who decides the pattern of the house?

SAME THING HAPPENS TO MARRIAGE! You and your spouse need to decide the pattern and style of marriage you want your children to grow up to see,you decide the kind of marriage you want the world to see through both of you.

You don't embark on a journey because you have transport fair, you don't go into marriage because you have the money or you're of age. Marriage should be gotten into with serious preparedness to making it work....


1. Learn to ignore little issues and talk them out with maturity

2. If you have forgiven him or her never refer to the case again forever. Do learn to forgive sincerely.

3. Become friends.. play around, dance around, joke with yourselves. Marriage is not military Barack biko

4. CONFIDE in each others. Plan things together and always do all you can to get each other's back.

5. Don't joke with your sex life. Discuss it once in a while and always make improvements when necessary. Just keep firing with many adventures

6. Always pray together. Ask God to keep your home.. and learn to listen to Holy Spirit when you're angry He will tell you how to calm the situation.

7. Support each other's spiritually, financially, materially and intellectually.

8. Never CHEAT on your wife or husband. Trust is like breath, people don't notice it when it's around but when it is gone everyone notices it. Guard your trust with him or her with all your life because when broken most times it is hard to get.

9. Live according to your means. Don't force your spouse to do something that is more than him or her. Avoid pressure and celebrate each other. Never compare your spouse to anyone..

If this helped you then take this post to your wall or timeline it might help someone out there...
We keep moving 

If You Don't Want To Die Broke



by Apostle Daniel Akpai.

Today many go into depression because of the happenings around the world but then many are rising as Giants despite the happenings around the world..

In this piece I will drop some key points that will help you from dying broke...


1. Get yourself a good and positive clique (friends). If your friends can't influence you positivity then change them. Life is just one don't waste it on wrong association. Your association determines your destination.

2. Stop the blame game. If people refuse to help or support your financially don't get mad at them get mad at your situation and look for strategies that will sincerely get you out.

3. Don't depend on anyone for your welfare. People don't care if I must say, everyone has his own issues and bills to pay, apart from your parents nobody is financially responsible to you. Every man to his tent, when this sinks into you then you will never get angry at people when they fail to help.

4. Do something!!! If there is no job start something.. if there is no big money then start something that requires small capital. You must not start like Dangote. Just do something! Doing something also goes a long way with pastors too. Dear pastor, if you don't have something doing you will continue to be bitter towards your members for not giving you money. 

God didn't call you to be collecting money from them He called you to impact them, giving you should be a CHOICE not by FORCE. A pastor that has something doing will support his MINISTRY with his self made money than any member does. Again, there is nothing wrong when they willingly give you but don't make it a right it's a privilege.

5. Set financial target for yourself every year and draft strategies needed in achieving them.

6. If you don't have any hard work (skill acquisition) please learn one. A quick reminder, no billionaire got to that level of wealth with his or her academic grade, they all went there through enterpreneurship. Even as a lady now if you don't have something doing some guys won't see you attractive because some are running from liability too..

If this blessed you then take it to your wall or timeline it might bless someone too.

We keep moving 




7 Most Important Prayer Points

7 Most Important Prayer Points

God has been challenging us to become a praying church, not just a church that prays. A church that prays will pray at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a worship service. 

A praying church is a church full of people who pray! Not just on Sunday's. 

 Not just before a meal. Not just when a crisis comes up. The "church" is not a collection of people gathered on a Sunday morning. The church is a collection of people who are called out, different, set apart. And, we are called out to do something, to accomplish something together! 

As prayer moves to the forefront of who we are as a church, we have come up with Seven Prayer Emphases. I have challenged the pastors, the staff, the elders and deacons to make these prayer points a real priority in their prayer time. As we all pray, as one voice, with one united prayer, God will come down from heaven to "see what is happening" at Gospelcaster. Please join us as we prayer for these seven things.

1. Laborers

2. Supernatural Resources

3. Open Doors

4. Lasting Fruit

5. Return of the Miraculous

6. Divine Protection

7. A Great Awakening

My prayer is that you will take these seven areas of prayer and "Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you." (Prov. 6:21:22). 

7 Most Important Prayer Points

1. Laborers (matthew 9:35-38) 


Jesus instructed us to prayer to the Lord of the harvest for laborers. We need people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get the job done of reaching this world for Christ. That doesn't mean we all will become pastors or missionaries. t

I just means we will all be involved in ministry. God expects us to work to see His kingdom grow. It can be as simple as volunteering in the church or as profound as quitting your job and going to the mission field. The point is that we are praying to the Lord of the Harvest to give us laborers. That means more visitors coming to the church, more people making decisions to follow Christ, more inactive people becoming active.

2. supernatural resources (John 14:11-14) 

supernatural resources

Ministry costs money! Churches don't plant themselves. Outreaches come with a price tag. It comes to reason that if we get more people (laborers) we would have more money to do more ministry.

But people are not our source, God is! What could we do with "supernatural" resources? What ministry could we start in Greensburg? How many churches could we plant or how many missionaries could we support? 

3. open doors (2 corinthians 2:12) 

open doors

Paul said that an "effective, open door" had opened up to him. He stayed on at Ephesus to walk through that open door and a great and powerful church was birthed. We need to pray the same thing. 

 We need God to open doors into our community. We need "open doors" with mayors, police chiefs, and government officials. We need open doors with neighbors who are closed to the Gospel. We need open doors in other cities to plant churches.

4. lasting fruit (John 15:12-17) 

lasting fruit

This is where our emphasis on making disciples comes in. Fruit that lasts is translated into people who are more than just casual church attenders. 

They are disciples of Jesus. They begin to think, act, and live like Jesus. They reproduce themselves and created more disciples. That is lasting fruit, when you can perpetually bear fruit and raise up others who bear fruit who raise up others who bear fruit.

5. Return of the miraculous (Mark 16:17-18) 

return of the miraculous (Mark 16:17-18)

The New Testament is full of stories of the miraculous. I am sure that Jesus had some slow days where He traveled or spent the night at His friend, Lazarus', house. But the things that got recorded for holy scripture were the miracles, the blinded eyes opened, the deaf ears unstopped. 

People love to see and hear about miracles. They also desire to experience them. We want to call out to God to restore miracles to the church, not as hype, but as proof that there is a powerful, miracle working God inur midst.

6. Divine protection (2 thessalonians 3:3) 

divine protection

The church needs God's divine protection more than ever. Our culture is increasingly hostile toward true Christianity. Pastors and church leaders are prime targets for the enemy. 

 He knows if you "smite the shepherd, the sheep will scatter". We need watchmen on the walls and everyday intercession because there is real enemy with real plans to take down this church (and every other church in Westmoreland County).

7. a great awakening (2 chronicles 7:14)

7. a great awakening  2 chronicles 7:14

There have been two Great Awakenings in American history. The first occurred in the early to mid 1700s. The second occurred in the early 1800s. Both of these "Awakening" were preceded by a time of moral corruption and political upheaval in our nation. 

God sent true revival to awakening our nation to turn back to God. In the early 1900s, America was awakened by the birth of the Pentecostal movement in Azusa Street. We have had no major move of God in the 21st century and oh, how we need it to happen again.

35 Best Intercessory Prayer For Church Members

35 Best Intercessory Prayer For Church Members

“Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints” – Ephesians 6:18

The power of intercessory prayer can never be over emphasized, when we pray for others,we see the hand of God manifested in there lives. If you desire to see more souls saved and more members lives transformed, you must be given to intense and quality intercessory prayers.

pastor who would not pray for his or her members cannot see the growth he or she desires. The moment we stop praying for our church members, we stand the risk of losing them to the devil, but if we always engage tirelessly in intercessory prayer for them, we will never lose them to the devil. 

8 Reasons Why You Must Not Give Up On Your Dreams. – E. A Adeboye 

I encourage you today to pray for your church members using this intercessory prayer. Remember, when you pray for your church members, you are also praying for yourself. I see God granting you instant answers to your prayers in Jesus name.

35 Best Intercessory Prayer For Church Members

1. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Ghost, empower every member of this Church with supernatural wisdom, thereby resulting in noiseless breakthroughs this year.

2. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every member of this Church with the Spirit of excellence for their supernatural turnaround this year.

3. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every member of this Church with the Spirit of grace and supplication, thereby positioning them for the full delivery of their prophetic package for this year.

4. Father, in the name of Jesus, fill every member of this Church with the Spirit of the fear of the Lord, resulting in the manifestation of Your favour in everyone’s life this year.

5. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the Holy Ghost, let every member of this Church be liberated from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit this year.

6. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every barrier standing in the way of the return of any challenged member to this church, be brought down this year.

7. Father, in the name of Jesus, by the Holy Ghost, redirect the steps of every embattled member back to this Church this year and grant each one of them a welcome package.

8. Father, in the name of Jesus, let Your angels appear to every embattled member, thereby guiding them back to this Church for their restoration and breakthroughs this year.

9. Father, in the name of Jesus, visit every discouraged member of this Church, thereby re-establishing them in the faith and in this church this year.

10. Father, in the name of Jesus, open the eyes of every discouraged member to see this church as their God-ordained city of refuge, where their trials shall be turned to testimonies this year.

11. Father, in the name of Jesus, instantly heal everyone called sick in these church and restore them to perfect health.

12. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the revelation of Your Word, supernaturally restore the health of every member under the siege of any terminal condition right now.

13. Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every form of disabilities ravaging the life of any member, resulting in their perfect soundness.

14. Father, in the name of Jesus, deliver every member of this Church from all oppressions of the devil and establish their liberty right now.

15. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every member experience the reality of divine health all through this year, thereby turning us into living wonders among men.

16. Father, in the name of Jesus, let everyone called jobless in these church receive their miracle jobs this month.

17. Father, in the name of Jesus, cause every member to enjoy divine favour resulting in supernatural breakthroughs this month.

18. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the operation of the Spirit of Wisdom, enthrone every member of this Church in our various businesses, vocations and careers this year.

19. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the voice of Your Spirit, guide every member into realms of noiseless breakthroughs this year, thereby affirming our New Dawn Era.

20. Father, in the name of Jesus and by access to divine secrets, prosper the works of the hands of every member of this Church this year, thereby launching us into a world of exploits.

21. Father, in the name of Jesus, destroy every spell restraining the marital testimony of anyone in these church this year.

22. Father, in the name of Jesus and by divine favour, let everyone on the line for miracle marriage in these church be divinely connected and married to their God-ordained spouse this year.

23. Father, in the name of Jesus, let there be supernatural restoration for every home under the threat of separation or divorce in these church this year.

24. Father, in the name of Jesus, restore harmony to every stormy marriage in these church this year.
25. Father, in the name of Jesus, grant every member an enviable marital testimony this year, thereby leading others to Christ and this church.
26. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every member of this Church develop an insatiable love for Your Word this year, resulting in turnaround testimonies.

27. Father, in the name of Jesus, endue every member of these church with the powers of the world to come, thereby commanding dominion in all aspects of our lives this year.

28. Father, in the name of Jesus, pour out the Spirit of Grace and Supplication upon every member of this Church, thereby turning us to living wonders.

29. Father, in the name of Jesus, stir up the zeal of every member of this Church to engage in kingdom advancement endeavours, resulting in the supernatural multiplication of this Church.

30. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every member experience higher dimension of spiritual growth this year, resulting in supernatural breakthroughs in all facets of life.

31. Father, in the name of Jesus, set free every member of this Church under any spell of barrenness, resulting in the release of their miracle children this year.

32. Father, in the name of Jesus, let the siege of miscarriage be broken in these church this year, resulting in safe delivery for all pregnant mothers.

33. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree that there shall be nostill birth in these church all through this year.

34. Father, in the name of Jesus and by the power of Your Word, heal every member of this Church that is a victim of any conception hindering condition; let them bring forth their miracle children this year.

35. Father, in the name of Jesus, let every member called barren, whose case has been termed medically impossible, bring forth their miracle children this year.

Why T.B Joshua cannot be taken Serious as a True Prophet of God In Nigeria

 Why T.B Joshua cannot be taken Serious as a True Prophet of God In Nigeria

Why T.B Joshua cannot be taken Serious as a True Prophet of God In Nigeria. Prophet T.B Joshua is a popular preacher in Nigeria and he’s known for so many prophecies in the past.

He is the founder of Synagogue church of All Nation’s (SCOAN) located in Ikotun, Lagos state, Nigeria. The church is one of the churches attendees by foreigners. It only has a branch in Ghana. T.B Joshua own a Religious Television popularly called Emmanuel TV. It is one of the most viewed T.V in the world.
Prophet T.B Joshua is know for prediction of prophecies. Majority of the prophecies do come to pass. One of the prophecy is predicted was telling the Governor elect of Bayelsa state in the last election not to Until after swearing in. The governor was later removed by a court order a day to the swearing in.
Reasons why T.B Joshua cannot be taken Serious as a prophet in Nigeria are:
He recently went to the mountain praying and he was being snapped. A prophet of God would not do that for the whole world to see. He even took a mat to pray on the mountain
He predicted that the covid19 will come to an end and March 27th and the prophecy failed.
He has no mentor you can point to as his father.
He doesn’t belong to any Christian Association in Nigeria nor the Pentecostal fellowships.
He doesn’t associate himself with any Man of God in Nigeria. He’s just one man mopol.

8 Reasons Why You Must Not Give Up On Your Dreams. – E. A Adeboye 

 8 Reasons Why You Must Not Give Up On Your Dreams. – E. A Adeboye

8 Reasons Why You Must Not Give Up On Your Dreams by E. A Adeboye. According to Habakkuk chapter 2 Verse 2 we are told that the vision is for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie.

Every true vision speaks at the end, Not at the beginning. sometimes giving up looks like the best thing to do.
But always consider these seven reasons before you call it a quit and always  have Reasons Why You Must Not Give Up On Your Dreams

1. Don’t give up because God is not asking you to give up.
2. Don’t give up because your success story will motivate the younger generation.
3. Don’t give up because you are very close to success than you can ever imagine.
4. Don’t give up because your enemies and haters are waiting to mock you.
5. Don’t give up because some people actually prophesy you will give up.
Don’t use your life to fulfill their evil prophecies. 
6. Don’t give up because you are not a failure because you failed you are a failure because you stopped trying.
7. Don’t give up because your success will help other people to succeed. If you fail they will fail.
8. Don’t give up because every Setback is a step back for a Comeback.
Let no one confuse you with their sweet success stories. Every successful person is a product of Several failures.

Calling Out to Jesus

 Jesus and his disciples were leaving the city of Jericho, and a large crowd was on their heels. The people had seen the miracles Jesus had performed, many had heard him preach, and several were simply curious. But hundreds were moving down the dusty road toward Jerusalem.

You know how it is in a crowd—especially an anxious and excited crowd! Someone’s always stepping on someone else’s foot, a few children are always crying, and some are always angry because the crowd isn’t moving faster. This crowd wasn’t much different—except for the fact that Jesus of Nazareth was in the lead. He has the incredible ability to hear everything at once. And amid the shuffling of hundreds of feet, the laughter, and the three-way conversations, Jesus heard something else: two distinct cries from the side of the road.

These two men weren’t part of the crowd. It seemed impossible Jesus would hear them above the roar of those following, but they dared to call his name anyway because they desperately needed his touch.

“Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

The crowd immediately shushed them. “Leave him alone. Be quiet! Jesus has important things to do. He’s on a mission.”

But the two men shouted even louder, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us!”

Jesus must have admired their persistence, because he stopped. He knew the two men were blind, but he still asked the obvious question, “What do you want me to do for you?” (If that seems like a silly question, flip back to the devotions found on If that seems like a silly question, flip back to the devotions found on February 15-22.)

If we put this scene under a microscope and take an even closer look, we’ll find some spiritual principles for our own lives.

#1: These two men sought after Jesus. He loves it when his children actively seek him. Do you casually shoot prayers toward heaven, or are you putting forth effort to communicate with Christ?

#2: Jesus stopped for them. He’ll stop for you, too, when you seek him with an honest and expectant heart. Isn’t it comforting to know that amid the crowds of people who are calling for the attention of Jesus, he still hears your cry? And he’ll always stop . . . just for you!

Know It!

Jesus Christ is crazy about you! Though his agenda is always full, you’re right at the top of the list!

Read It!

Matthew 20:29-34; Ephesians 1:19-23; 3:20-21

Pray It!

Tell Jesus how thankful you are that he cares for you the way he does!