God has been challenging us to become a praying church, not just a church that prays. A church that prays will pray at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a worship service.
A praying church is a church full of people who pray! Not just on Sunday's.
Not just before a meal. Not just when a crisis comes up. The "church" is not a collection of people gathered on a Sunday morning. The church is a collection of people who are called out, different, set apart. And, we are called out to do something, to accomplish something together!
As prayer moves to the forefront of who we are as a church, we have come up with Seven Prayer Emphases. I have challenged the pastors, the staff, the elders and deacons to make these prayer points a real priority in their prayer time. As we all pray, as one voice, with one united prayer, God will come down from heaven to "see what is happening" at Gospelcaster. Please join us as we prayer for these seven things.
1. Laborers
2. Supernatural Resources
3. Open Doors
4. Lasting Fruit
5. Return of the Miraculous
6. Divine Protection
7. A Great Awakening
My prayer is that you will take these seven areas of prayer and "Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they will speak to you." (Prov. 6:21:22).
7 Most Important Prayer Points
1. Laborers (matthew 9:35-38)
Jesus instructed us to prayer to the Lord of the harvest for laborers. We need people who are willing to roll up their sleeves and get the job done of reaching this world for Christ. That doesn't mean we all will become pastors or missionaries. t
I just means we will all be involved in ministry. God expects us to work to see His kingdom grow. It can be as simple as volunteering in the church or as profound as quitting your job and going to the mission field. The point is that we are praying to the Lord of the Harvest to give us laborers. That means more visitors coming to the church, more people making decisions to follow Christ, more inactive people becoming active.
2. supernatural resources (John 14:11-14)
Ministry costs money! Churches don't plant themselves. Outreaches come with a price tag. It comes to reason that if we get more people (laborers) we would have more money to do more ministry.
But people are not our source, God is! What could we do with "supernatural" resources? What ministry could we start in Greensburg? How many churches could we plant or how many missionaries could we support?
3. open doors (2 corinthians 2:12)
Paul said that an "effective, open door" had opened up to him. He stayed on at Ephesus to walk through that open door and a great and powerful church was birthed. We need to pray the same thing.
We need God to open doors into our community. We need "open doors" with mayors, police chiefs, and government officials. We need open doors with neighbors who are closed to the Gospel. We need open doors in other cities to plant churches.
4. lasting fruit (John 15:12-17)
This is where our emphasis on making disciples comes in. Fruit that lasts is translated into people who are more than just casual church attenders.
They are disciples of Jesus. They begin to think, act, and live like Jesus. They reproduce themselves and created more disciples. That is lasting fruit, when you can perpetually bear fruit and raise up others who bear fruit who raise up others who bear fruit.
5. Return of the miraculous (Mark 16:17-18)
The New Testament is full of stories of the miraculous. I am sure that Jesus had some slow days where He traveled or spent the night at His friend, Lazarus', house. But the things that got recorded for holy scripture were the miracles, the blinded eyes opened, the deaf ears unstopped.
People love to see and hear about miracles. They also desire to experience them. We want to call out to God to restore miracles to the church, not as hype, but as proof that there is a powerful, miracle working God inur midst.
6. Divine protection (2 thessalonians 3:3)
The church needs God's divine protection more than ever. Our culture is increasingly hostile toward true Christianity. Pastors and church leaders are prime targets for the enemy.
He knows if you "smite the shepherd, the sheep will scatter". We need watchmen on the walls and everyday intercession because there is real enemy with real plans to take down this church (and every other church in Westmoreland County).