by Apostle Daniel Akpai.
Today many go into depression because of the happenings around the world but then many are rising as Giants despite the happenings around the world..
In this piece I will drop some key points that will help you from dying broke...
1. Get yourself a good and positive clique (friends). If your friends can't influence you positivity then change them. Life is just one don't waste it on wrong association. Your association determines your destination.
2. Stop the blame game. If people refuse to help or support your financially don't get mad at them get mad at your situation and look for strategies that will sincerely get you out.
3. Don't depend on anyone for your welfare. People don't care if I must say, everyone has his own issues and bills to pay, apart from your parents nobody is financially responsible to you. Every man to his tent, when this sinks into you then you will never get angry at people when they fail to help.
4. Do something!!! If there is no job start something.. if there is no big money then start something that requires small capital. You must not start like Dangote. Just do something! Doing something also goes a long way with pastors too. Dear pastor, if you don't have something doing you will continue to be bitter towards your members for not giving you money.
God didn't call you to be collecting money from them He called you to impact them, giving you should be a CHOICE not by FORCE. A pastor that has something doing will support his MINISTRY with his self made money than any member does. Again, there is nothing wrong when they willingly give you but don't make it a right it's a privilege.
5. Set financial target for yourself every year and draft strategies needed in achieving them.
6. If you don't have any hard work (skill acquisition) please learn one. A quick reminder, no billionaire got to that level of wealth with his or her academic grade, they all went there through enterpreneurship. Even as a lady now if you don't have something doing some guys won't see you attractive because some are running from liability too..
If this blessed you then take it to your wall or timeline it might bless someone too.
We keep moving