By Apostle Daniel Akpai.
Lately many are scared going into marriage because of the high rate of divorce in many marriages regardless of their religion.
I have heard some singles saying, "I don't want to marry because of the problems". In this article I want to prove one point to you. I want to write categorically clear that it is not all marriages that are going through hell... The thing is, when you take your cloth to tailor who decides the style to be sewn? When you want to build a house and you speak to an architect who decides the pattern of the house?
SAME THING HAPPENS TO MARRIAGE! You and your spouse need to decide the pattern and style of marriage you want your children to grow up to see,you decide the kind of marriage you want the world to see through both of you.
You don't embark on a journey because you have transport fair, you don't go into marriage because you have the money or you're of age. Marriage should be gotten into with serious preparedness to making it work....
1. Learn to ignore little issues and talk them out with maturity
2. If you have forgiven him or her never refer to the case again forever. Do learn to forgive sincerely.
3. Become friends.. play around, dance around, joke with yourselves. Marriage is not military Barack biko
4. CONFIDE in each others. Plan things together and always do all you can to get each other's back.
5. Don't joke with your sex life. Discuss it once in a while and always make improvements when necessary. Just keep firing with many adventures
6. Always pray together. Ask God to keep your home.. and learn to listen to Holy Spirit when you're angry He will tell you how to calm the situation.
7. Support each other's spiritually, financially, materially and intellectually.
8. Never CHEAT on your wife or husband. Trust is like breath, people don't notice it when it's around but when it is gone everyone notices it. Guard your trust with him or her with all your life because when broken most times it is hard to get.
9. Live according to your means. Don't force your spouse to do something that is more than him or her. Avoid pressure and celebrate each other. Never compare your spouse to anyone..
If this helped you then take this post to your wall or timeline it might help someone out there...
We keep moving