Six Mistakes You Must Never Make In Life.



By Apostle Daniel Akpai.

Some people say "experience is the best teacher but I realized that it is not every experience people survive to learn from. That is why this article will help to guide you on common mistakes you must avoid.

1. You must do all you can never to marry wrongly. If you get into bad marriage it is likely to affect your focus and assignment here on earth.

2. Dont run from God at your youthful age. Do all you can to find and love God as early as possible because knowing God as early as possible helps you avoid some battles that are likely to come with you live your life anyhow. In addition, when you know God you can never end in regrets.

3. Don't play with your life when you're young.

Discover purpose early and chase it. Fellows who play with their lives when they are young tend to be miserable at old age. Some even get rejected in the community when they need help.

4. Weakness and character problems. No matter how talented you are if you have weakness and character problems you won't go far in life. Never say "people will accept me for who I am" that statement is the reason many don't work on themselves. Do all you can to work on yourself if you must get to the top

5. Poor financial management. If you can't work and save for the future the future won't be fair to you. A wise man said "The future belongs only to those who plan it". 

6. Peer pressure. Do all you can never to bow to the pressure gotten from friends who want you to do things that are morally bad. Some of them actually want to break from it but they can't so they see you as a SAINT and would want all of you to fall and go down together. Be wise, remember those who smoke, drink alcohol, womanize or club start from peer pressure. Be wise and check your association.

I just hope you learnt from this.. if you take this post to your TIMELINE it might help someone too.


