Showing posts with label Becoming Successful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Becoming Successful. Show all posts

What You Must Do in 2019 To Have a Prosperous 2020

The year 2019 is fast approaching its end. It seemed like yesterday when there was great excitement and happiness expressed in the "Happy New Year" wishes at the beginning of the year. 

Various resolutions were enacted and goals were earmarked. Everyone looked forward to a year of accomplishment, bliss and 'highs'.

As the year ends, I bet you cannot remember your New Year resolutions and the goals you were determined to accomplish talk more of doing them. The only reason I can remember mine is because I wrote them down but sincerely I never got to do a large percentage of my resolutions neither did I achieve some of my goals. Aside from the goals I set for January, 2019 I don't think I have achieved much this year.

Just like me, I know you made provision for a list of to dos and goals which if you would be frank with yourself have not been actualized. And as 2019 draws to a close you're already contemplating pushing these goals to the next year hoping that you would receive a 'bed of roses' reception. 

In your subconscious mind, you are shifting the failures of 2019 to 2020 with hopes that the new year would be better than this one.
The form of preparation we all carryout falls within the scope of making new resolutions, setting new goals or spilling over old ones and then attaching our plans with determination and hopes. The same determination and hopes we had when 2019 began that didn't bring us our desired result.

Year after year we do the same thing over and over again and fail at it. We repeat a process every year and expect better or different results – practically impossible. As writing new year resolutions and setting new goals attached with determination happens to be the only conventional means for preparing for a new year we subscribe to it year in year out despite its frailties.

It was in lieu of this backdrop that I sought for a different way and approach. Sometime in October 2019, I stumbled on a friend's post on Facebook and it formed the skeleton of the insight I am about to share. I conducted a little Bible study which gave flesh to the skeleton forming the revelation I would share as you read through this piece.

To begin with, see what Job 38:12 says;
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know its place;
Actually in Job 38, God was replying Job's questioning and relating his ignorance to him. When I looked at that verse I saw that timings, seasons, and dispensations can be commanded. I saw that there is a place for commanding the times and seasons of life, for instilling desires and wishes and ensuring that they are obeyed and adhered to.

People who understand this know that they do not have to create new year resolutions before the explicitly enjoy the new year. This people play life like a chess; exerting accurate moves which produces mind-boggling results.

I put it to you today that if you want to have a jolly good-ride in 2020
If you desire 2020 to be better than 2019
If you do not want to carryover goals and draw back on resolutions
Then you must command the year 2020 and you must begin NOW.
You must begin to outline the things you want to see in the new year. You must set coordinates and operational guidelines to the year 2020.
To do this you must PRAY. 
Commanding 2020 is not by writing down goals and determining to adhere strictly to your resolutions. It is not making bold declarations of a 2020 better than 2019. You must contend for the year 2020 and what you want to see in it and you do so by praying.

The only effective preparation you can undertake for the year 2020 is to establish the year's coordinates and modus operandi in INTENSE, PROTRACTED HOURS OF PRAYERS.

Commit thy way unto the LORD: trust also in Him: and He shall bring it to pass – Psalms 37:5
Cast thy burden upon the LORD,  and He shall sustain you: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. – Psalms 55:22
Casting all your care upon Him: for He careth for you. – 1 Peter 5:7
Anything that is entrusted in God's hands is secured and can never lack prosperity. God is dependable, faithful and trustworthy who would not treat casually anything that's handed over to Him. If you would have the 2020 that you dream of you would have to entail the year in prayers to God.

Your carnal approach to a new year in the form of resolutions and goals backed up with determination have failed over the years why not tilt to a spiritual approach?

Do not let 2020 be like 2019. If you have not had a secret place now is the time to have one. If you have not being praying now is the time to begin praying. If the new year would come with an actual difference you must command that difference on your knees.

My earnest counsel is, 
– Pray in tongues for protracted hours with 2020 in your mind.
– Rattle in the spirit for the year.
– Hold vigils if possible.
– Get a prayer team to specially pray for 2020.
– Do not wait for January 2020 to begin fasting and praying.
– Start praying NOW
2020 would be better than 2019 but we must command the year before it comes. 

Share this piece to friends and families. Let everyone know that 2020 can only be better if we pray from now. Please share.

The Tragedy of Ease and Why You Must Avoid Them

"Always being at ease is tantamount to shortchanging your destiny and ultimately turning into a failure." – Brodrick Emmanuel Ebube 

One of the major distinguishing factor between successful people and unsuccessful people is that the latter fail to do as much work as the former does.

What characterizes the life of a successful man which makes him different from the failure is that the successful man did something; paid a price, put in more work, took more risks and gave in more sacrifices than the failure was willing to.

The focus of this article is to bring your way the consciousness of the tragedy of being at ease and why you must avoid it if you would walk the path of being successful!

The general mentality of failures is the false assumption that "what would be would be" when in reality what would be would never be except they are forced to be.

Successful people bear in their minds the consciousness of the fact that there's so much work to be done hence there is no room for complacency, being at ease or being idle.

Show me a man or a youth who dislikes work and prefers to be at ease and I would show you someone whose ultimate destiny is to fail.

Success doesn't just happen. Becoming successful is a function of hardwork and diligence. Success is not a product of wishes and desires. Nobody becomes successful by chance. You consciously and deliberately work towards success.

It is only failure that sustains the fortitude to meet with anyone by chance. The moment you relinquish the place of hardwork and diligence for wishes and desires you present yourself a living sacrifice fit for failure.

Always being at ease is tantamount to shortchanging your destiny and ultimately turning into a failure. I get very perplexed when I see youths at ease in the face of the magnanimous work their glorious destinies need before they manifest.

It pricks my heart when I see that the daily routine of the average youth revolves round hanging out with friends, watching movies, partying, sleeping and social media. Youths are now very complacent and at ease, not coming to the realization that they've got so much work to do.

In the end what we produce are old men opening gates for small boys and answering "Yes sir" to persons who they are old enough to give birth to.

Without further ardor what are the tragedies of being at ease.

1. Losing Out In Destiny 

"Moab hath been at ease from his youth, and he hath settled on his lees, and hath not been emptied from vessel to vessel, neither hath he gone into captivity: therefore his taste remained in him, and his scent is not changed." – Jeremiah 48:11

The scripture verse above speaks of Moab, a person. This Moab was at ease all through his days as a youth. He dwelled all his youthful days in ease and with so much complacency but something transpired in the next verse;

Jeremiah 48:12

"Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will send unto him wanderers, that shall cause him to wander, and shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles."

Since this Moab was complacent all the days of his youth even the little he had was going to be plundered away.

A youth that remains at ease would lose out of all the goodies life and destiny has in store for him. Moab was at ease and his state of ease during his youth made him lose out of destiny. His latter days was that of misery and lack.

If you do not want to lose out on destiny and what it has in store for you then you must flee ease and complacency.

2. Hardwork at Old Age 

One way or the other there's a season in a man's life when he must work.

Jesus said;

"I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work." – John 9:4

This clearly shows us that there is a time for work and a time where work can not be done. The day is the timeframe earmarked for work to be done.

In the life of a man, the "daytime" represents the youth stage. It is at this stage that one is expected to work. The "nighttime" is old age where work is not supposed to be done but sadly many trade their "day" and work at "night" when they're supposed to be resting.

The Prophet Jeremiah makes an assertion in Lamentations:

"It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth." – Lamentations 3:27

The time to do work is during your youth because this is the point where your passion, your will and your strength are all strong, alive and fully active.

The night time, old age, is the period for rest because all your strength would be gone at that time but unfortunately many work at old age.

Whether you want it or not, you must work. If you do not work during the day when you have your strength you must work during the night when you're weak and tired!

Like Jeremiah counsels, I counsel you today work now that you're young!

3. Becoming A Failure 

Another tragedy of being at ease is that you end up becoming a failure. Refusing to do work is a perquisite for failing in life.

Success is not a product of wishes and desires neither is it a product of idlenes, complacency and being at ease. To be successful you must consciously and deliberately work and walk towards it.

If you have the mentality that luck would shine on you or that what would be would be, let me shock you;

First there's nothing like luck. Success doesn't meet you by chance, you must take the right steps consciously and deliberately to achieve it.
It is only failure that sustains the fortitude to meet with you by chance.

Debunk that idea that luck exist. Successful people are not lucky. When you see a successful person do not say he is lucky, find out what he did to become successful.

Secondly, what would be would never be. The only time what would be would be is when you force them to be. You don't wish for things to be, you force them to be.

If you want success you don't sit and wait for it to come, you work for it to come!

In conclusion, the pathway to becoming successful is not of ease and complacency. Successful people do not give in to ease. They have in their subconscious minds that they have to work and they afford ease and complacency zero breeding space.

To be successful, you must avoid the ease and its tragedies. Always being at ease is tantamount to shortchanging your destiny and ultimately turning into a failure!

How To Become Excellent In All Ramifications Of Life

Have you ever been offered a service and the person who was to offer the service was sluggish and disorderly about it? Or
Have you ever attended a church service and something about the protocol unit or the worship team seemed to be off and lacked excellence?

I am sure you would feel thoroughly dissatisfied and in the case of the church service, you may never want to attend that church again.

Excellence is sought after by all and sundry. You can attest to the fact that the TV stations people watch, the radio stations people listen to, the blogs people read, the malls people visit, the Churches people attend, the schools people go to and so on posses high levels of excellence in their mode of operations.

Taking Nigeria as a case study, churches like the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA), Living Faith Church, House Of David, HICC, Eternity Network International (Koinonia), Dunamis International Gospel Centre and a host of others are exceptional for the excellence they exhibit.

Little wonder why they keep amassing thousands of worshippers every Sunday. No one wants to associate with any body, institution or organization that lacks excellence.

Nothing keeps a person, a business venture, an organization as much as excellence does. The relevance of any thing is maintained by excellence. It is very needful that we exhibit excellence as believers in all that we do.

How then can one become excellent?

From the life of Daniel and other scriptures I would show you how excellence in all ramifications of life can be attained.

1. Pursuing Understanding

"He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit." – Proverbs 17:27

Your possession of understanding is an engineering factor for excellence. Excellence as we see in Proverbs 17:27 is a characteristic of a man who has understanding.

It is not enough to have knowledge. Just possessing the knowledge about the use of a thing does not put you in the position to make good use of it except understanding is imparted into you.

Knowledge is futile and useless unless it is accompanied with understanding. The proper use of knowledge is actualized by the birthing of understanding and Proverbs clearly states that even though knowledge is good, excellence is birthed by understanding.

Seeing that excellence is a function of understanding, how can one gain understanding?

• Maintaining Fellowship With The Holy Spirit

One of the ministries of the person of the Holy Spirit is "teaching". Jesus in intimating His disciples on the job function and description of the Holy Spirit said;

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will show you things to come."
– John 16:12-13

Jesus told His disciples that there are several things He would keep unrevealed due to their inability to comprehend and understand them.

He then introduced the Holy Spirit as the personality who would help the disciples grasp every understanding on the many things Jesus would want to tell them.

He, the Holy Spirit was going to guide them into all truth, helping them gain understanding of the knowledge they posses and the several other hidden things God would want to communicate to them.

If you seek to gain understanding that is superior to that which belongs to this world then you must maintain a cordial relationship with the person of the Holy Spirit. Why?

The ministry and influence of the Holy Spirit is not given on a platter of gold. It would take you to attain intimacy with Him before you become a beneficiary of the goodies of His ministry.

Maintain fellowship with the Holy Spirit and see His personality, influence, and ministry at work in your life one of such is understanding.

• Read Books

"In the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by books..." – Daniel 9:2

Daniel was a man who possessed an excellent spirit (Daniel 6:3). The text above shows us one of the ways through which Daniel got his excellent spirit. He was an ardent reader of books.

If you desire understanding you must love books. I, personally can trace my understanding and growth in Christ to the books I have read.

Every month, I endeavour to read a minimum of three (3) Christian literatures and countless number of articles on various niches.

The lives of men and women who have exhibited or are exhibiting excellence are characterized by an ardent study of books. If you seek understanding, read books. Read christian literature, read books on general lifestyle, read books on business, read books on family life, just read!

2. Be a Keen Observer

To be excellent you must be a keen observer. Be very observant. Always take an in-depth look at the mode of operation of excellent people and groups.

Solomon said in Proverbs 6:6;

"Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:"

What Solomon was trying to say was "observe the ants, take a close look at their mode of operation and gain understanding and insight"

A man who is keen about observing is often reckoned with great excellence. Observers usually posses understanding and like I explained in the first point understanding makes room for excellence.

When the Queen of Sheba came to visit Solomon the things she saw made her confess that the things she was told were nothing compared to the things she was seeing (1 Kings 10:7).

The Queen of Sheba spoke on the excellence of King Solomon's court. She talked about the attendance of Solomon's ministers, the sitting of his servants, his cupbearer, his clothing, the food on his table, and the way he worshipped God (1 Kings 10:5)

All she was saying was how excellently Solomon operated. Solomon's excellence can be connected to the fact that he was a man who was keen about observing.

If you go through the writings of Solomon you would find a great deal of observation sessions he undertook.

By carefully observing the mode of conduct of excellent people you gain understanding of the system they implement to make them excellent..

3. Yielding to Prayers

Another point which I believe accounts for the excellence Daniel exhibited is his custom, routine, and frequency with prayers.

"Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did formerly." – Daniel 6:10

Daniel made a custom out of prayer. He operated the technology of prayers using a routine and a frequency. He prayed three (3) times each day and didn't break the flow even when a decree was signed against prayer to anyone except the king.

During prayer sessions, our nature is crucified allowing God's nature to become ours and one of the natures of God is excellence.
The more your prayers reflect His eternal will and interest, the more His nature is imparted into you.

Get in sync with the nature of God by yielding to prayers.

Excellence in whatever you do is a feasible reality as long as you are ready to undertake the steps just outlined.

Why Poverty Resides With Believers

Why are believers given to poverty? Why has the Christian faith become characterized with poverty? Why are Christians unable to make wealth and get rich despite all of God's promises in the scriptures about wealth and becoming rich?

Are we not studying the scriptures as we ought to? Are the scriptures not yea and amen anymore? Are we not praying as we are supposed to? Are we not applying the right principles for financial prosperity?

Well today, I would be sharing certain reasons why I believe poverty seems to have found a dweeling place in the households of believers.

Despite all that Jesus has done for us it is as though the lot of believers is poverty and a life of penury. 

Please I counsel that you take seriously every reason I'd be sharing except you want to remain in poverty, living a sub-normal and an abnormal life.

#1. Substituting Spirituality For Work

The Christian faith is filled with spiritual people who are not ready to work. Believers often substitute work for spirituality.

They yield themselves so much to prayers, fasting, the study of the word and other spiritual functions but are lazy to work.

In 2 Thessalonians, Apostle Paul who was a very busy man labouring in the gospel and his walk with the Spirit of God cited that while he was in Thessalonica he did not sit idly but went to work.

In chapter three (3) and verse (4) of 2 Thessalonians we see Paul giving a command that "Whosoever refuses to work should not eat".

Apostle Paul was a very balanced man. While he laboured spiritually he set out to work also. He never sat idly expecting that the people who got converted through his ministry would feed him or his spirituality would yield him money instead he set out to work.

Spirituality or being spiritual is never a substitute for work. If you must be successful and push poverty out of your life you must work.

#2. Zero Diligence

"Seest thou a man diligent in his business? He shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men" – Proverbs 22:29

The scripture above asks a question which goes thus "Have you seen a man who applys diligence to what he does?".

The writer of Proverbs answers by saying that man who is diligent in his business would stand before kings and nobles. He would not stand before mean men and commoners.

The christian worker applys zero diligence to what he does. Diligence in what you do is what takes you up the ranks to become a sought-after authority in your field of endeavour.

Diligence makes you excellent, excellence increases your value and with an increase in value comes an increase in finances. 

No one would want to work with someone who is not excellent, someone who is incompetent and extremely horrible at what he or she does. Men reward excellence and competence.

"The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute" – Proverbs 12:24

"He becometh poor who dealeth with a slack hand; but the hand of the diligent maketh rich." – Proverbs 10:4

Riches can only come on the template of a diligent approach to work. Poverty would come knocking when you treat your work or business incompetently. It is on the strength of being diligent that one can become successful and rich.

Success and wealth are the products of a diligent approach to work. Stop offering "Zero Diligence" to work except you want to roommates with poverty.

#3. Lack of Creativity 

"A man's gift maketh room for him and bringeth him before great men" – Proverbs 18:16

Recently, I was speaking to someone and he was telling me of the several strings of things he had set out to do in order to earn a living. We spoke at length and he ended his discourse with the theme "creativity".

Believers are not creative. We have tilted our focus to working for the government and a particular way of doing something. We do not want to think in all edges of and outside the box. We limit our sight to only insight, neglecting foresight.

God is a creator. He is creative and since we were made in His image He has deposited creative nature into us but sadly we are not willing to harness it and make good use of it.

God has given to us all gifts and talents in hope that we would use them to make profit for ourselves and our families. It is this gifting which God has deposited in us that the writer of Proverbs speaks of having the ability to make room for us and bring us before great men.

Our lack of creativity has made us unable to resist the influence of poverty. It is like having the drugs and the correct prescription for curing malaria lying on the table yet you're dying of malaria fever.

What we need to rise above poverty is lying dormant within us. Discover your gifts and talents and begin to make use of them. That's what creativity is about.

Your gifts and talents are your access keys to unlocking the doors of wealth and financial freedom. That's why God placed them in you.

#4. Low Business Mentality

This is more or less a continuation from the previous point.

I have noticed a grievous deficiency in the Body of Christ of what I'd like to call "business mentality/sense".
Believers are blinded towards business opportunities lurking in their localities.

I was told a story of a Nigerian woman who travelled to somewhere in North America I believe to visit her daughter who just gave birth.

While overseas, this woman discovered that the residents of the neighborhood where her daughter was staying where majorly Nigerians.

Armed with this discovery, this woman from Nigeria found a business opportunity. She began to fry bean balls what Nigerians call " Akara" in North America. Imagine selling fried bean balls (akara) in North America.

Interestingly, this woman made so much money in dollars frying Akara that she began to establish certain things in her hometown in Nigeria that many working class Nigerians in her community couldn't do.

She was in North America weeks and she found out that business opportunity yet some persons have stayed in that same neighborhood for more than ten (10) years and never saw the business opening this woman saw.

There are several business opportunities lurking around us. We only need to think deeply and look keenly.

Here's something:
Think of a way to make a process easy for people. Think of something which people are in dire need of but find it hard to access.

Before long you'd see that business opportunity in your vicinity. 

Even if you forget every other thing, remember this, there is always a business opportunity within your neighborhood, your institution of learning, your state e.t.c do not leave your brain dormant think our these business opportunities.

The christian faith is not of poverty. Debunk the belief that being a Christian means you've signed up for a life of poverty and penury. Poverty can be checked out and you can become successful and rich if only you decide to get to work.

See you on the profitable side of life.

Don't Thread This Path if You Must Become Successful

The journey to becoming successful is not of unintentional pursuit but of careful, calculated efforts targeted at achieving the predetermined goal.

No one becomes successful by chance. Everyone who is successful didn't become so by sitting lazily and expecting luck to come his/her way.

As Lydia Sweatt of wrote "Success doesn’t just find you. You have to go out and get it." Successful people are not idle people. They are people who have captured a vision and are working towards achieving it.

The path to becoming successful is one with other paths in it. It is like a major road with several lanes which lead to the end point regardless.

It is like having a road which has other lanes in it leading to the end path of success but sadly there are diversions which many often prefer to make use of.

These diversions never lead to success. They only lead to regrets and sorrows. Rather than remain on the lanes though they may seem to long and uncertain we often choose the diversions.

Today I am going to be exposing one path which is a diversion from the path to becoming successful. If you desire to be successful you must never thread on this path.

Come with me because I believe you are about to read a piece which would set you firm on the path to becoming successful.

"The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing." – Proverbs 20:4

The diversion on the path of becoming successful which you must avoid is that of EXCUSES.

King Solomon says that the sluggard will not plow not because he is not strong or because he doesn't have the tools for plowing but because of the cold.

So many of us are quick to give excuses why we are where we are, why we failed in the task we set out to accomplish, why we are not able to do this or to do that. We are full of excuses.

Always presenting excuses why we cannot do a thing is an indication that we are not ready for success. No man who truly wants to be successful would be quick to give excuses.

Excuses are birthed from an individual who is not ready to be successful. Success comes only to those who work for it and not those who give excuses as to why they failed to work.

You cannot eat your cake and have it back. You can't refuse to work, present excuse and expect that you would get the benefit of workers. When you refuse to work you would exist in penury. There can't be food for lazy people.

The major reason why people profer excuses is due to IRRESPONSIBILITY.
Responsible people do not have the leverage of giving excuses.

If you must be successful you must take responsible for your actions and inactions. You can't fold your arms and expect lines to fall into pleasant places for you when you do not work.
Refusing to work would only bring you to penury.

Irresponsibility is what gives rise to excuses. Check the lives of people who are always giving excuses they are irresponsible people, individuals who are unwilling to take hold of their lives and forge ahead in destiny.

Success does not come and meet you. You would have to go out and meet it. You do not meet with success with a mindset of irresponsibility neither do you become successful by giving excuses for not doing what you are expected to do.

Theodore Roosevelt said that "If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your troubles, you wouldn't sit for a month".

What this means is that you are the architect of most of your troubles. A man is the architect of his woes so refusing to take responsibility for your actions and inactions simply means you are not ready for success.

You can never rise above your level of responsibility. With a responsible approach to life comes a deviation from giving excuses.

Do not thread the path of giving excuses. Choose to take responsibility for your life. Choose to take responsibility for your actions and inactions.

Determine never to make use of the diversions on the path to becoming successful but to take the long lanes.

Make a commitment to rise above giving excuses and to live responsibly.

BECOMING SUCCESSFUL: 3 Underlying Benefits of Accountability

There has never being anyone who became successful without the help of another who has being successful. This is the concept postulated by mentorship.

Photo Credit: SHEA Mentoring Program

No one became successful outside the tutorage of another person who has already being successful. Either by direct mentoring or indirect mentoring, every successful person became successful by yielding to mentorship.

Sir Isaac Newton said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". Imagine Sir Isaac Newton with the great feats he achieved in the field of science, he still considers himself a product of mentorship. This exemplifies the great need for mentoring and mentorship in the raising of successful men and women in every sphere of human existence.

My focus today is not on the broad topic of mentorship as a prerequisite for being successful but of a facet of mentoring which is attributed to its potent power of making men successful and that is accountability.

Accountability is defined by the Merriam-webster online dictionary as the quality of being accountable that is subject to giving an answer especially about an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.
In simple terms, accountability is the quality of being able to give answers and explanations, bearing responsibility for both your actions and inactions.

How does accountability help you navigate successfully through the pathway of becoming successful?
I would be sharing three(3) benefits which I consider most often neglected as benefits of accountability. I'd like to refer to these benefits as "The Underlying Benefits of Accountability". Sojourn with me as I unveil them.


Bearing in mind that you would have to answer for your inability to accomplish certain undertakings would instill in you the drive to do more work thus heightening your performance.

Knowing fully well that failing to hit the benchmark of expectation calibrated for you by your mentor would cause you to fall out of favour in the presence of your mentor is enough to spur you into doing more work.

Accountability heightens performance. It makes you do more so you do not get to present excuses as to why you failed to accomplish the tasks set before you.

Students know that there would be a day of accountability where they are expected to pass examinations on all they have been taught. Even if a student dislikes a course, he/she is mandated to study hard so he performs well on the day of accountability.
Thus, there is no arguing that accountability is key to spurring and heightening performance.


"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your troubles, you wouldn't sit for a month" – Theodore Roosevelt

One of the lacking yet needful traits in our lives is the trait of being responsible. Among youths and adolescents there's a serious departure from the characteristic of being responsible to being too carefree, less concerned, unserious, and negligent of important issues.

Without responsibility no success can be recorded. Theodore Roosevelt was right with the quote at the beginning of this point. You are responsible for most of your troubles whether you decide to take responsibility for them or not. As much as you are responsible for your troubles and misfortunes you are also responsible for your success. Sadly, there's little or no inclination to being responsible in young people today.

We are quick to blame the government, blame parents, blame uncles and anuties for our troubles and ill-luck forgetting that a man is the architect of his own woes. So one can take responsibility for your life except you.

The bitter truth is: you will never rise above your level of responsibility. Becoming successful is a function of being responsible. Responsible for your actions, your failures, your successes, your mind, your emotions, responsible for your life.

Responsibility is about setting priorities right and taking the needed action to actualize them.
Accountability births responsibility and responsibility carries with it so many benefits which cuts across;

  • Time Management

  • Prioritized Living

  • Determination

  • Accomplishment of Set Goals


Accountability spurs you out of idleness. It eliminates idleness by keeping you engaged. You cannot want pleasure when you are supposed to work seeing that you'd have to give account for your workdone. You don't stand idly when you are expected to work and bring back feedback.

The very fact that you might have a disappointed mentor if you do not meet up to his/her expectation tremendously compels you to act and work rather than be idle you become engaged.

I know I have to give account to God for the gifts and talents that He has deposited in me and so I can't afford to sit idly. This knowledge keeps me engaged at all times.

There's a popular saying that "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". In order to avoid being the devil's workshop you have to get engaged in a positive, productive work spurred as a necessity by being accountable.

Conclusively, accountability is a facet of mentorship which exposes you to the realities of the work which must be done as you journey to becoming successful.