Showing posts with label Becoming Succesful. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Becoming Succesful. Show all posts

What's Prayer for Faith? How to Pray The Prayer for Faith

There is no defining faith without Romans 10:17 So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. KJV

Faith comes by continuous hearing of the word of God. And faith is built by same continuous hearing of the word of God. Faith is like bricks. The more you add to it, the more it grows.

Also Read: How to Pray in The Holy Spirit

In order to link where we’re driving at, we need to look at John 4:24 God [is] a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship [him] in spirit and in truth. KJV Emphasis mine.

What is the truth? Truths are practical facts. Practical? That’s derived form the word practice. And practice involves taking action. So, if you must please God, you must believe and practise – act – what you believe. Hebrews 11:6 But without faith [it is] impossible to please [him]: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and [that] he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. KJV

It’s not enough to just keep hearing the word, there’s a need to act what you hear. That’s the way to please God. That brings us to what faith is.

What Faith is faith

Like I explained more in my previous post titled What is Faith, faith is a fact behind the fact. A fact is a reality you can see. There’s no denying a fact. But what matters is what you do about the fact. Do you have a desire for the fact to change? Do something about it. That’s faith.

How to become Spiritual Prayerful

Some people read and read the word in order to have faith against an unpleasant situation in their lives, but they fail to act towards getting rid of the situation. It’s no sin to visit the hospital after you must have read the word to build your faith.

You do not continue to live a lifestyle you know is telling on your health and tend to ignore the health implications because you have faith. You cannot continue to act in such a way that produces negative results and expect something difference simply because you have faith. Whatever we do have consequences, right or wrong, positive or negative.

If you desire a different outcome, start acting on the areas that influence the desired outcome.

Faith is going to the hospital when the sickness continues, after praying and exercising your faith for a reasonable number of days. You can have faith that God can use the doctors to heal you. You can have faith in the drugs prescribed to you by the doctors that God can use them to heal you. How to become Spiritual Prayerful

You need a job and you have faith you’d get one. Get up. Go out there and look for the job. You have a field and you have faith for increase. Go till the field for the increase you’re having faith for. That’s putting your faith into action. Manna fell from heaven for the children of Israel in the wilderness. There’s no doubt about that and there’s no limiting what God can do. But when last and how often do you hear about that? God does not encourage laziness. And He does not encourage stupidity either. Even the lame Jesus healed had to do the work of getting up to get their healing. That brings us to what faith is not.

What is not Faith

Faith is not the denial of the reality. It is the acknowledgment of the reality and the hope of a positive/different outcome while working for the realization of that anticipated positive/different outcome.

It has always been a problem when believers kick start their faith process and fold their hands, waiting for automatic desired results. Faith without work is as good as dead. James 2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. KJV

Faith is not magic. Faith is no friend to laziness. One can be hardworking spiritually but physically lazy. But Spiritually hardworking does not compliment for physical hard work. And there’s no short cut to hard work.

Faith can turn your hard work to smart work. There’s revelation in practising your faith through work. In the midst of your hard work, God in whom you have the faith can easily drop in some smarter ideas. If you look through the scriptures, God never called an idle or lazy man.

Faith does not make it a taboo to visit the hospital. The work of the doctors should be a booster to your faith. That’s faith with works. Most of the responses and answers to your faith have always been through other people and through other things. What if you’re working towards a solution to the challenge and the solution comes from there? Your faith has worked for you. But that does not mean you should be going about seeking for solution where you should not. God is everywhere but His Presence is not in every place. Some people seek God where His Presence is not.

When you have done all you could do

Remember, faith comes through continuous hearing of the word of God. The word of God we hear regularly helps us believe that there’s an answer to what we seek. As long as we are sincerely and genuinely working towards a solution to a situation, the faith we have in God will always give us the desired outcome.

In the situation where you’ve done all you could do and the situation persists, hand it totally to Him. He knows what He’s doing. You should also bear in mind that whenever you find yourself seeking and acting for solution to a challenge, you must look out for the peace of God. His peace accompanies faith in Him.

Philippians 4:6-7. 6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. KJV

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BECOMING SUCCESSFUL: 3 Underlying Benefits of Accountability

There has never being anyone who became successful without the help of another who has being successful. This is the concept postulated by mentorship.

Photo Credit: SHEA Mentoring Program

No one became successful outside the tutorage of another person who has already being successful. Either by direct mentoring or indirect mentoring, every successful person became successful by yielding to mentorship.

Sir Isaac Newton said "If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants". Imagine Sir Isaac Newton with the great feats he achieved in the field of science, he still considers himself a product of mentorship. This exemplifies the great need for mentoring and mentorship in the raising of successful men and women in every sphere of human existence.

My focus today is not on the broad topic of mentorship as a prerequisite for being successful but of a facet of mentoring which is attributed to its potent power of making men successful and that is accountability.

Accountability is defined by the Merriam-webster online dictionary as the quality of being accountable that is subject to giving an answer especially about an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one's actions.
In simple terms, accountability is the quality of being able to give answers and explanations, bearing responsibility for both your actions and inactions.

How does accountability help you navigate successfully through the pathway of becoming successful?
I would be sharing three(3) benefits which I consider most often neglected as benefits of accountability. I'd like to refer to these benefits as "The Underlying Benefits of Accountability". Sojourn with me as I unveil them.


Bearing in mind that you would have to answer for your inability to accomplish certain undertakings would instill in you the drive to do more work thus heightening your performance.

Knowing fully well that failing to hit the benchmark of expectation calibrated for you by your mentor would cause you to fall out of favour in the presence of your mentor is enough to spur you into doing more work.

Accountability heightens performance. It makes you do more so you do not get to present excuses as to why you failed to accomplish the tasks set before you.

Students know that there would be a day of accountability where they are expected to pass examinations on all they have been taught. Even if a student dislikes a course, he/she is mandated to study hard so he performs well on the day of accountability.
Thus, there is no arguing that accountability is key to spurring and heightening performance.


"If you could kick the person in the pants responsible for most of your troubles, you wouldn't sit for a month" – Theodore Roosevelt

One of the lacking yet needful traits in our lives is the trait of being responsible. Among youths and adolescents there's a serious departure from the characteristic of being responsible to being too carefree, less concerned, unserious, and negligent of important issues.

Without responsibility no success can be recorded. Theodore Roosevelt was right with the quote at the beginning of this point. You are responsible for most of your troubles whether you decide to take responsibility for them or not. As much as you are responsible for your troubles and misfortunes you are also responsible for your success. Sadly, there's little or no inclination to being responsible in young people today.

We are quick to blame the government, blame parents, blame uncles and anuties for our troubles and ill-luck forgetting that a man is the architect of his own woes. So one can take responsibility for your life except you.

The bitter truth is: you will never rise above your level of responsibility. Becoming successful is a function of being responsible. Responsible for your actions, your failures, your successes, your mind, your emotions, responsible for your life.

Responsibility is about setting priorities right and taking the needed action to actualize them.
Accountability births responsibility and responsibility carries with it so many benefits which cuts across;

  • Time Management

  • Prioritized Living

  • Determination

  • Accomplishment of Set Goals


Accountability spurs you out of idleness. It eliminates idleness by keeping you engaged. You cannot want pleasure when you are supposed to work seeing that you'd have to give account for your workdone. You don't stand idly when you are expected to work and bring back feedback.

The very fact that you might have a disappointed mentor if you do not meet up to his/her expectation tremendously compels you to act and work rather than be idle you become engaged.

I know I have to give account to God for the gifts and talents that He has deposited in me and so I can't afford to sit idly. This knowledge keeps me engaged at all times.

There's a popular saying that "an idle mind is the devil's workshop". In order to avoid being the devil's workshop you have to get engaged in a positive, productive work spurred as a necessity by being accountable.

Conclusively, accountability is a facet of mentorship which exposes you to the realities of the work which must be done as you journey to becoming successful.