What You Must Do in 2019 To Have a Prosperous 2020

The year 2019 is fast approaching its end. It seemed like yesterday when there was great excitement and happiness expressed in the "Happy New Year" wishes at the beginning of the year. 

Various resolutions were enacted and goals were earmarked. Everyone looked forward to a year of accomplishment, bliss and 'highs'.

As the year ends, I bet you cannot remember your New Year resolutions and the goals you were determined to accomplish talk more of doing them. The only reason I can remember mine is because I wrote them down but sincerely I never got to do a large percentage of my resolutions neither did I achieve some of my goals. Aside from the goals I set for January, 2019 I don't think I have achieved much this year.

Just like me, I know you made provision for a list of to dos and goals which if you would be frank with yourself have not been actualized. And as 2019 draws to a close you're already contemplating pushing these goals to the next year hoping that you would receive a 'bed of roses' reception. 

In your subconscious mind, you are shifting the failures of 2019 to 2020 with hopes that the new year would be better than this one.
The form of preparation we all carryout falls within the scope of making new resolutions, setting new goals or spilling over old ones and then attaching our plans with determination and hopes. The same determination and hopes we had when 2019 began that didn't bring us our desired result.

Year after year we do the same thing over and over again and fail at it. We repeat a process every year and expect better or different results – practically impossible. As writing new year resolutions and setting new goals attached with determination happens to be the only conventional means for preparing for a new year we subscribe to it year in year out despite its frailties.

It was in lieu of this backdrop that I sought for a different way and approach. Sometime in October 2019, I stumbled on a friend's post on Facebook and it formed the skeleton of the insight I am about to share. I conducted a little Bible study which gave flesh to the skeleton forming the revelation I would share as you read through this piece.

To begin with, see what Job 38:12 says;
Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days; and caused the dayspring to know its place;
Actually in Job 38, God was replying Job's questioning and relating his ignorance to him. When I looked at that verse I saw that timings, seasons, and dispensations can be commanded. I saw that there is a place for commanding the times and seasons of life, for instilling desires and wishes and ensuring that they are obeyed and adhered to.

People who understand this know that they do not have to create new year resolutions before the explicitly enjoy the new year. This people play life like a chess; exerting accurate moves which produces mind-boggling results.

I put it to you today that if you want to have a jolly good-ride in 2020
If you desire 2020 to be better than 2019
If you do not want to carryover goals and draw back on resolutions
Then you must command the year 2020 and you must begin NOW.
You must begin to outline the things you want to see in the new year. You must set coordinates and operational guidelines to the year 2020.
To do this you must PRAY. 
Commanding 2020 is not by writing down goals and determining to adhere strictly to your resolutions. It is not making bold declarations of a 2020 better than 2019. You must contend for the year 2020 and what you want to see in it and you do so by praying.

The only effective preparation you can undertake for the year 2020 is to establish the year's coordinates and modus operandi in INTENSE, PROTRACTED HOURS OF PRAYERS.

Commit thy way unto the LORD: trust also in Him: and He shall bring it to pass – Psalms 37:5
Cast thy burden upon the LORD,  and He shall sustain you: He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. – Psalms 55:22
Casting all your care upon Him: for He careth for you. – 1 Peter 5:7
Anything that is entrusted in God's hands is secured and can never lack prosperity. God is dependable, faithful and trustworthy who would not treat casually anything that's handed over to Him. If you would have the 2020 that you dream of you would have to entail the year in prayers to God.

Your carnal approach to a new year in the form of resolutions and goals backed up with determination have failed over the years why not tilt to a spiritual approach?

Do not let 2020 be like 2019. If you have not had a secret place now is the time to have one. If you have not being praying now is the time to begin praying. If the new year would come with an actual difference you must command that difference on your knees.

My earnest counsel is, 
– Pray in tongues for protracted hours with 2020 in your mind.
– Rattle in the spirit for the year.
– Hold vigils if possible.
– Get a prayer team to specially pray for 2020.
– Do not wait for January 2020 to begin fasting and praying.
– Start praying NOW
2020 would be better than 2019 but we must command the year before it comes. 

Share this piece to friends and families. Let everyone know that 2020 can only be better if we pray from now. Please share.
