Showing posts with label Christian Conduct. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian Conduct. Show all posts

Successful marriage tips?


Tips for a happy marriage life.

Here I all be sharing you some very useful 
tips to be successful and happy marriage life Marriage is a lovely arrangement, upon which two individuals come together to become one, to do things together and to love each other. In fact, when we are not married, some of us dream of the day, when we will be in our home, married and live happily.

The Power of words Bible

Marriage is a lovely thing and almost every person want to live happily, full of joy and love with that one person. But then, that’s not what we see around, many couples, though been married wish they never did, some feel it was just a terrible mistake, and others are more or less a slave to there marriage.

Most married couples no longer feel that love they use to have for their partner and that’s why the rate of divorce are on a high side. When couples can no longer handle their marriage problems, they just want to have a break or call it a quite, by seeking for divorce.

Meanwhile when dating, those times are just wow, you call each other, have a long conversation, hang out, stay out late, drink together, laugh together, make midnight calls even while your tired, send messages to each other, send some love quotes, in fact those times are just amazing and the drive to be together is just knocking and finally you are now married.

During the honeymoon period, is just one of the times most people don’t want to wake up from because that period is one of the special moments of their lives.

But after that, what next?

Love in the Bible

Most marriages fall apart, even right after there honeymoon, some after a year, and some after some years, but does that mean you can’t bring back those fluttery butterfly feelings of excitement and anticipation everyone experiences at the beginning of a relationship? Not at all, many marriages still over come those challenges and problem, though some don’t survive long enough to comeout the other side unscathed, but you can. You can win the battle, you can make it work, you can have that beautiful home full of love happiness. It all depends on you, if you really want to make it happen.

But after that, what next?

Most marriages fall apart, even right after there honeymoon, some after a year, and some after some years, but does that mean you can’t bring back those fluttery butterfly feelings of excitement and anticipation everyone experiences at the beginning of a relationship? Not at all, many marriages still over come those challenges and problem, though some don’t survive long enough to come out the other side unscathed, but you can. You can win the battle, you can make it work, you can have that beautiful home full of love happiness. It all depends on you, if you really want to make it happen.

How does God Speak to us

Bellow are some amazing tips on how to have a Successful and Happy Marriage Life

This tips are for both partners, some I will be emphasizing on the wife and some on the husband.

1. Appreciate headship.

Some of us might be saying “no, we live in a world of gender equality” but to be honest, if you really want your marriage to work, as a woman you need to come to understand that your husband is the head of your home and so you need to give him the respect he deserve. In terms of decision making, allow him to express his headship, make him feel he’s in charge to make the decision and the responsibility he ought to take. This is what makes him feel happy.

2. Satisfy each others emotional needs.

After you’ve been married for many, many years, that passionate kiss when your partner walks in the door can easily fade away, even to look at each other will become a problem and this is a real problem. In fact Studies  have show that nearly half of men who have cheated say it was because of emotional dissatisfaction and not s*x.

When men don’t feel connected or appreciated by their partner, they are vulnerable to the advances of any attractive woman and this also is the case for most woman. So my advice is to stay connected to your partner, give that kisses, that touch, romance and cares, create that Sense of satisfaction, and make your partner feel the presence of your affection.

3. Appreciate the little things you do for each other.

Little things matters. Sometimes, when your partner gives you something no matter how little it is appreciate it. For example, as a husband when your wife make a new meal she thought you would like, praise her and tell her thank you for her effort. Likewise wives, when your partner buy something maybe a cloth, don’t start criticizing it or complaining but rather kiss him and tell him how happy you are for the gift.

Remember how it was when you got married, you barely have issues, you look over many negative part or accept his apologize. So also If you are so inclined to keep score of all the positive things your partner does in a day and then thank them. Hopefully they’ll get the hint and do the same for you.

4. Practice honesty, even when you’re ashamed.

Most time the issue of money could bring this misunderstanding between couples, especially when one of them is not sincere about it. For example you are planning to go on vacation or you want to buy something and then use your partners credit card without telling him/her and you over do it without the knowledge of your partner, it might cause lack of trust which might make your partner feel insecure with the way you spend without their knowledge and eventually that Truth won’t be there any more.

In some cases, couples lie to each other to cover there behavior or whatever they might have done. The best cure to this is to be honest with your partner even while you feel ashamed of what you have done. You should be able to talk and be honest about anything even if is just a little thing you did. Probably using money which you are not to use, don’t be shy about it, tell him the truth, don’t try to cover it up.

Along that same vein, if you feel you aren’t connecting with your partner the way you used to, you need to say something.

5. Take care of your looks.

Most couples are victims of this. Sometimes not that you don’t want to really look good always for your partner, but because probably now you guys have kids, have extra work to joggle and a home to take care of. This could really be taking much time and at the end of each day you find yourself too tried to even dress up Good.

Women abandon working out and loss there shape, most time by adding weight probably because of child birth, but honestly if you are determine to make your marriage work, you ought to workout, set time for exercises, count down your calories intake. Though you might not be as you where before you got married but you can look smart and good for your partner.

Be neat no matter what the it takes. Remember those times when you guys hang out, when you would have walked around with your super neat fancy dress and your sparkly pure white teeth? Yeah, don’t let go of those routine, keep doing them.

Take your bath before you go to bed and smell nice. It’s always nice to hear your partner say “my love you smell nice” with that a close touch, you feel the closeness once again. Or you could just dress specially for your partner, it brings this adoration!

6. Foster relationships outside your marriage.

One thing most couples don’t understand is, sometimes you just need to give it some space, yes space, like me during the holidays I just go out, some times to my parents, other times to my friends and one thing I noticed is, during this times my spouse would call, chat me up, call again at night and I love it. So try it too, go out call each other just like when you’re dating or you could go on a vacation with your partner, go to places, don’t just stay in your home all year round.

7. Mind your words and language.

Please this is really important. There are things you should never say to a lifetime partner, for example “Don’t you think our new neighbor is attractive?” That’s a kind of question that could bring problem to your marriage or statement like “You know it’s always been your problem that…” No one wants to hear that from their partner?

Even if you are right about what you asking or saying, the words you use or the tone and Manner at which you pose the questions or make the statement can be very offense and your partner might pick a fight and before you know it you guys are having a serious misunderstanding.

So think about it, starting a sentence with these words your mate is certain to shut down or start a fight.

8.  Ask about each others day.

Even if you and your partner are always seeing each other, it’s always important to ask about each other. Like ask your partner how the day was, that could start up a conversation, and before you know it, you’re having a good communication, listen to your partner and share how your day went too.

Don’t just oh my day was fine thanks, no, tell your partner how your day really went, what did, where you went and stuff you bought for the day.

9. Let go, and be silent.

When your partner makes a mistake, don’t be quick to talk about it. Sometimes it is best to really over look some things, remember that Sometimes the best way to address a problem is to just walk away from it. What i mean is, just let it go seriously let it go. Not every slight mistake must be addressed. Learn to let go as much as you can.

Forgive more and learn to forget, remember this person you call you partner or rather the love of your life is an imperfect person just like you are. So once in a while, remind yourself of why you choose to marry this person and why you decide to spend the rest of your life with him or her. So pay attention to the food side and let go of things not worthy to break your home, don’t be silent and still harbor bad thought just let the problem pass.

10. Be kind.

Be kind to your partner even when you are troubled. Don’t become so harsh because you are facing a hard time, most at times some couples take advantage of the love, probably because they know that their partner love and cherish there marriage and so they can behave anyhow and Walk away with it, for instance if you have a bad day at the office and come home and take it out on your partner, what do you think this will do to your partner?

A much healthier pattern is to start out each day by asking yourself, “What can I do today to make my partner happy?” And mean it. Doesn’t it make more sense to put your best face on for someone you love?  If your mate loves watching soccer why not join him and watch,or help him put on a tie, watching a horror movie with your eyes closed, or cleaning his shoes for your mate, or Even to appreciate there effort,cook a meal,or take your mate out,make him or her feel special at every time.

God Speak to Us

11. Maintain closeness.

When I say Intimacy, am not just talking about s*x and doing it all the time. but I mean, these closeness, taking a Walk, or telling each other stories, or been there with your mate in tough times, going to the hospital, staying with them there until they get well. Don’t let others define what is a “normal” or “healthy” amount of s*x for your marriage. Know that things change, but that doesn’t make them less exciting or fun. And intimacy comes in many shapes, including conversation and cuddling. When there’s intimacy in your marriage, it will be difficult to stay without your partner and these will create a room for the both of you to be happy. S*x is most times not the key to your happiness, the level of closeness you create with your mate will make you miss them always, even if they’re just gone for a little while.

And lastly pray together, keep your marriage tied with prayers, and don’t do it alone do it together. You can learn how to pray and get your prayers answered?

Prayer Points for Family

Prayer is the most effective communication with God in spirit, God answered all prayers  no matter how small or multiple the request is God is our maker he knows what we want what we do and how we feel.

There are certain prayer we all need to pray and conquer demons and Satan in our family and life's we are going to used prayers from the Holy Bible. From the scriptures of the holy Bible.

Scriptural Reading:

Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. KJV

Luke 10:19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. KJV

Isaiah 40:29-31. 29 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. 30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: 31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. KJV

Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness. KJV

Praise and Worship.

After scriptural reading. Endeavors to sing songs of praise and worship to your creator and entice your Communication spirit?

40 #Prayer #Points for #Power

1.Power that cannot be reproached, come upon me, in the name of Jesus.

2.Power that cannot be insulted, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

3.O God, arise and bombard me with spiritual gifts, in the name of Jesus.

 4.Holy Ghost advertise Your power in my life, in the name of Jesus.

5.My Father, arise in Your fury, silence my silencers, in the name of Jesus.

 6. My father, give me the eyes of Elisha and the ears of Samuel, in Jesus’ name.

7.I go from strength to strength and from glory to glory, by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

 8.bind ministerial stagnancy with the fetters of iron and cast them into the fire, in the name of Jesus.

9.Holy Ghost, fulfil your purpose in me now, in the name of Jesus

10.Holy Ghost fire, begin to arrest the spirit of fear in every department of my in the name of Jesus

11.Holy Ghost, fill me that I might bring forth good fruit, in the name of Jesus

12.Holy Ghost fire, begin to arrest the spirit of doubt in every department of my life, in the name of Jesus

 13.Holy ghost fire, begin to arrest the spirit of unbelief in every department life, in the name of Jesus.

14.Fire of God, arise for my sake, sanitize my life, in the name of Jesus

15.Holy Ghost, fill me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet,
of Jesus.

 16. The Poweratnnot be ridiculed or mocked, come upon me, in Jesus’ name.

17.Power   to pursue my pursuers, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

18Holy Ghost fire, baptize me afresh, in the name of Jesus.

19My Father, lay Your hands upon my life and let my life advertise Your power, in the name of Jesus.

20Father, choose me for signs and wonders, in the name of Jesus.

21Holy Ghost fire, do the work of purification in my life, in the name of Jesus

22O Lord, ignite me with Your Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus 

23Holy Ghost fire, incubate my life with your freshness and refreshing power, in the name of Jesus.

24Father, let the spirit of prophecy, fall upon me, in the name of Jesus.

25Holy Ghost, fill me that I might bring forth healing power, in Jesus’ name.

26My Father, let me experience the bulldozing power of the God of Elijah, in the name of Jesus.

27I receive fire power, to tread upon serpents and scorpions and upon every power of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

28I receive fire power, to pursue and possess, in the name of Jesus.

29Holy Ghost fire, fill my body, soul and spirit with the power of the Holy Spirit, in the name of Jesus.

30Fire that will convert my life to that of an environmental transformer, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

31Fire, that will empower me to kill all my problems and my enemies, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

32Power of God, fall upon me mightily in a way that will embarrass the enemy, in the name of Jesus.

33Holy Ghost and fire, fill my body, soul and spirit, in the name of Jesus.

34Father, let me experience a personal Pentecost, in the name of Jesus.

35Father, let Your glory shine upon my life, in the name of Jesus.

36Spirit of the living God, overshadow my life by Your fire and power, and put all my enemies to flight, in the name of Jesus.

37Anointing to pursue my pursuers, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

38The fire that fell at Pentecost, overshadow me now, in the name.

39Powers gathered to cut off the wings of my eagles, scatter unto desolation in the name of Jesus.

40I go, from strength to strength and from glory to glory, by the power in the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus.

This are mighty prayerful  power you need to pray to you and your entire family. God we surely help you he's the maker and the doere, he knows what to do?

Fellowship With God: Meaning, Marks and Benefit

Fellowship with God. Is this another myth in Christendom or does it hold any form of significance? Of what benefit is fellowship with God? Are we to neglect it or prioritize it for other kingdom matters?

fellowship with God

What does it mean to have fellowship with God? These questions will find worthy answers as you go through the letters of this article. It is my belief that God will by this means create an awakening in our spirits for fellowship with Him.

What Is Fellowship With God?

The word fellowship is derived from the Greek word "koinonia". Koinonia refers to intimacy, communion, joint participation, and sharing with a personality. Therefore, fellowship with God is simply building intimacy, communing, sharing, jointly participating in the life, suffering, glory and power of God.

On more basic grounds, fellowship with God is communing with -- talking to Him and having Him talk back to you -- while also partaking in all He is about in a bid to achieving intimacy with a sovereign God.

Apostle Paul summed up what fellowship with God should produce in Philippians 3:10 and that is experientially knowing Him, the power of Christ's resurrection, partaking in His sufferings and conforming to His image.

So why is it important? Why is it necessary to have fellowship with God? The next section gives one reason which by all standards and from the consideration of His sovereignty is reason enough to want to fellowship with Him.

God Desires Fellowship

Yes and Yes Again! God passionately craves for and desires to have fellowship with you and I. This constitutes a large percentage of the reason behind the creation of man.

God's intent for creating man was so that there would be a life-form that could host the dimensions of God and interact with Him. In few words, man was created for fellowship with God.

The angels, Elders and other heavenly beings were incapacitated and did not sustain the ability to interact with God nor host His dimensions. They cried Holy whenever God showed up because they were unable to articulate and comprehend who God is.

The word "Holy" does not imply holiness. It means "In your own class" or "set apart". God to them was in His own class and none of them had the faculties to understand Him or discern who He is.
Man was then created so that God could be expressed, known, and revealed. Through fellowship with man God was going to get this done.

God was going to make man understand who He was, host His dimensions and express them on the earth by the protocol of fellowship.

After creating man and placing him in the garden east of Eden, in the cool of the day, God would come into the garden just to have fellowship with Adam. Imagine the Almighty leaving His throne in Heaven to fellowship with man. From all indications, God was truly desirous of fellowship.

Moving away from the story of creation, having delivered the children of Israel from captivity in Egypt, God told them:

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine - Exodus 19:5 (ESV)

What God was trying to achieve with this was fellowship. If you keenly study the rest of the verses in Exodus chapter 19, you would see that God desired to have fellowship with Israel. Now, we are the spiritual Israel - having been delivered from the bondage of sin and death - God's desire has not changed. He wants to have fellowship with you.

Note this: God is much more interested in fellowship with you and you would ever be.

You may want to wave off the thought for fellowship feeling it does not matter.Unfortunately, that is detrimental and you would be doing that at your own risk.

Why You Must Fellowship With God

I will not bombard you with reasons why you must fellowship with God. The fact that God desires to fellowship with you is reason enough to fellowship with Him. I would say that again:

You must fellowship with God because He desires to have fellowship with you and because He created you, you do not have an option. God's sovereignty is binding.

Think about this.

A God who can not be approached, One who sits in the midst of inapproachable light has made Himself available for fellowship with man. Man who is just one of His creation and you think that man has a choice as regards fellowship with Him? I would answer that. Absolutely No!

Why do you think the devil fought man? Job and David repeatedly asked what is man? They could not understand why God was so generous to man. They wondered why man was so favored in the sight of God to be given the sacred privilege of interacting with God.

The devil envied what man shared with God. The God he knew would not condescend to fellowship with man. But then, God did so. Oh, the blessedness of fellowship. Man partaking in the very nature of God. That which the devil sought was handed over to us on a platter.

You are not strong enough to want to build your life outside of fellowship with God. It was man's attempt to build something outside God that got us into the mess we wallowing in now.

Man tried to run the life God gave him without God the giver and we see what it has brought us -- evils, troubles, turbulence and so on --. Trying to run our lives whilst relegating God and fellowship with God is like trying to live without oxygen -- certainly impossible.

We have decided to operate by intellectualism, instincts and science as against the original template for our existence which is fellowship with God. By design, man was not supposed to live on his own but in partnership with a spirit.

The dependence feature installed in man by God was God's idea to ensure that man kept the ordinance and protocol of fellowship. Sadly, man declared independence consequent on the fall in Genesis 3.
We devised and concocted systems and philosophies for living which did not have God in view.

As we continued on the path we had chosen by ourselves we degraded into chaos, darkness and gloom. This is what Prophet Jeremiah realized when he cried out:

I know, O LORD, that the way of a man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. - Jeremiah 10:23 (KJV)

The way of a man is not for the man to choose. Our understanding and foresight is too shallow to discern the right path to take. Yet, we choose a path and began to walk through it and it has been the source of the terrible things making the rounds today.

God Is Our Life-Source

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. - Job 33:4 (KJV)

From the scripture above, it is clear that God is our life-source. It is from Him that we draw our essence. Notice it says "...and the breath of the Almighty gives me life" That statement is in the present continuous form. This implies that our existence is supposed to be hinged on fellowship with God.

Today men are confused, systems are failing, nothing seems sustainable. All of these is because men declared independence from God when we were created to depend on Him. Men have taken control of their lives when their lives were supposed to be controlled by God.

Have you not wondered why there is so much darkness in the world? Have you not wondered why everything seems to be crashing down? Systems are failing and the world is plunging into decadence?
I can give you a clear, straight-forward and incontestable answer to all the questions above. It is our negligence to fellowship with our life-source. The one who created all and designed us to be dependent on Him.

This can not be the world God created in the beginning when He said it was good. The world today is definitely not what God created in Genesis 1. There has been an alteration, an aberration and we can trace it to our rebellion and arrogance.

It was not recorded that there was a global warming, or a landslide, or a tsunami, or a hurricane, or any of the woes plaguing the world today when Adam was in the garden having constant fellowship with the Father. Adam's fellowship with God caused a stability in all of the forces of nature.

And when we rebelled? The results are evidently seen around us. Everything came from God and to keep them in perfect operational conditions we must engage the protocol of fellowship.

The Cure For Darkness

For the darkness and chaos the world is currently experiencing there can be only one solution -- Light.
Apostle John tells us that God is light. And one of the benefit we derive from fellowship with Him is that we interact with light. Our interaction with light makes us become lights ourselves.

This interaction makes it impossible for us to walk in darkness. As we interact with God, we become light and as such when we enter a place what happens is recorded in John 1:5

And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

What was translated "comprehended" should have been "apprehended". When light comes, it is impossible for darkness to stop it. Darkness can not help but vanish at the sight of light. It can never extinguish light.

The darkness in the world will become history when more and more individuals who have interacted with the Light in fellowship invade the world shinning as burning luminaries. Away from the world view into our lives and homes.

Has the devil not kept our lives, families, businesses and all that concerns us in darkness for too long? Has we not given him a field-day enough? Has he not wrecked enough damage?

Are cyclic manipulations and bondage not the order of the day in our lives? Have you not suffered so much setback, limitation and disappointment? Is this the best your life can be?

Your strength and intellect have failed in helping you secure a good life. Don't you think it is time to say enough to the devil and end his reign of darkness and terror in your life?
Fellowship with God, Our Father is the way out.

In Him was life; and that Life was the Light of men. - John 1:4 (KJV)

Pray NOW!

The Power Of Spoken Words (And How To Harness It)

Words are seen in English language as the smallest unit of language which has a particular meaning and can be expressed by itself.

It is the smallest, discrete, meaningful unit of language. Basically, words have been used as a means of communication and interaction.

In our everyday life, we use words to communicate our thoughts, opinions and ideas and for interacting with others.

Unfortunately, the basic use of words have made us treat with gross negligence the power of words and how the adversely affect our lives.

We never pay attention to the fact that words bear with them a spiritual dimension and implication because we have preoccupied our minds with the physical dimension of words only.

According to HuffPost, words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity. They are not mere vocabulary uttered to express ourselves as we think them to be. They come with serious spiritual implications which I would be sharing shortly.

It will interest you to know that Satan knows how powerful words are and unlike you, he never underestimates the power of words.

He knows that by making you lose control of your tongue, he can assume control over your life. If he can get you to be careless with words, he can lay hold and claim on your future hence you must be extremely careful with your words.

The following scriptures would open your eyes to the power of words and the importance of not using them carelessly;

“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” — Psalms 19:14 (KJV)

“Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” — Psalms 141:3 (KJV)

“Where there is much talk there will be no end to sin, but he who keeps his mouth shut does wisely.” — Proverbs 10:19 (BBE)

“Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones.” — Proverbs 16:24 (KJV)

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” — Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)

“He who keeps watch over his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles.” — Proverbs 21:23 (BBE)

"I tell you that every idle word that men speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment.
For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” — Matthew 12:36-37 (WEB)

“Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.” — Matthew 15:11 (KJV)

"Even so the tongue is a small part of the body, but it takes credit for great things. How much wood may be lighted by a very little fire!
And the tongue is a fire; it is the power of evil placed in our bodies, making all the body unclean, putting the wheel of life on fire, and getting its fire from hell." — James 3:5-6 (BBE)

“For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile:” — 1 Peter 3:10 (KJV)

Without further ado, let me show you two powerful spiritual implications of words

1. Words are for Creation

Over and above the basic use of words (communication and interaction), words are used for bringing about possibilities.

They are spiritual tools for the enterprise of creation as we see in Genesis chapter one. God used words to create the world. He had a mental picture of what He wanted the world to look like but He had to utter words to create His mental image.

"And God said..." – Genesis 1:3

Until God spoke, the earth remained in its void and formless state. The whole world came to be by a function of spoken words.

Like God, use words to create the things you want to see. With spoken words you can call forth the things you want to see in your life that you have not begun to see. You can create the kind of life and future you want using words.

Stop talking about your situation. Say only the things you want your situation to look like not what it is looking like.

Let your confessions be positive so you create positivity around your life. Making confessions such as "I am finished", "I am dead", "Life is hard", "I can't" e.t.c would only create negative possibilities around you.

Instead of saying it as it is, say it as you want it to be. Speak the possibilities you want to see in your life.

Always remember this: Say what you want to see not what you are seeing.

2. Words Are Conveyors Of Spiritual Realities

“And the spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me.” — Ezekiel 2:2 (KJV)

I consider this the most powerful dimension of words; the conveying of spiritual realities. Anytime words are spoken, spirits and the realities domiciled in the spirits are transmitted.

As God was speaking to Prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel 2:2, the prophet records that the Spirit of the Lord entered into him and the reality of his ministry was transmitted into his life.

The words God spoke to Ezekiel in Ezekiel chapter two were not for communication or information. They were the medium with which God transferred His Spirit into Ezekiel and commissioned him.

When a man mounts the pulpit, it will interest you to know that as he speaks the spirit which supports his speech is transferred into his listeners.

How do you explain how words as simple as "You're healed", "Fire all over your body", "Rise Up and walk" carry great spiritual power?

In Acts 3, Peter and John demonstrated how spoken words can transfer spiritual realities from the speaker to the hearer.

In verse 6 of Acts 3, Peter said "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have I give thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk".

The words were not so powerful in themselves but because of the Spirit backing the spoken words, a reality of Divine healing was conveyed and the man began to walk.

Let me tell you a story that further buttresses the power of spoken words.

The great Apostle J.A Babalola of blessed memories was about to break his fast on one occasion. So he requested his daughter to prepare tea for him.

The little girl was sluggish in carrying out the biddings of the great man of God. Angrily, he shouted at her saying "Why are you behaving like a mad person?".

At that spot, the little girl became insane. He had to cast out the spirit of insanity from her before she became normal and sane again.

His words transferred a spiritual reality into his daughter.
You must never use words carelessly dear reader.

It is due to this powerful implications of words that the devil is concerned about making you lose control of your tongue.

When he gets you to begin to utter negative words, you energize him and his demons to act on your words and bring the reality of the negative things you uttered.

You must discipline yourself never to let out words which gives room for the devil to operate. Speak words that allows the Spirit of God to find expression in your life.

Your words can create and destroy.
Your words can transmit spiritual realities.

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Hi, I am Brodrick Emmanuel Ebube.
I plan on helping you harness the power of spoken words as they come with serious implications if not used accurately.

To this end, I want to send daily Godfessions(God-Confessions) to your email so that you can say them out to yourself and entrenched the possibilities in the words.

This offer is completely FREE. You only need to submit your email below and you would receive my Godfession emails everyday.

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