Fellowship With God: Meaning, Marks and Benefit

Fellowship with God. Is this another myth in Christendom or does it hold any form of significance? Of what benefit is fellowship with God? Are we to neglect it or prioritize it for other kingdom matters?

fellowship with God

What does it mean to have fellowship with God? These questions will find worthy answers as you go through the letters of this article. It is my belief that God will by this means create an awakening in our spirits for fellowship with Him.

What Is Fellowship With God?

The word fellowship is derived from the Greek word "koinonia". Koinonia refers to intimacy, communion, joint participation, and sharing with a personality. Therefore, fellowship with God is simply building intimacy, communing, sharing, jointly participating in the life, suffering, glory and power of God.

On more basic grounds, fellowship with God is communing with -- talking to Him and having Him talk back to you -- while also partaking in all He is about in a bid to achieving intimacy with a sovereign God.

Apostle Paul summed up what fellowship with God should produce in Philippians 3:10 and that is experientially knowing Him, the power of Christ's resurrection, partaking in His sufferings and conforming to His image.

So why is it important? Why is it necessary to have fellowship with God? The next section gives one reason which by all standards and from the consideration of His sovereignty is reason enough to want to fellowship with Him.

God Desires Fellowship

Yes and Yes Again! God passionately craves for and desires to have fellowship with you and I. This constitutes a large percentage of the reason behind the creation of man.

God's intent for creating man was so that there would be a life-form that could host the dimensions of God and interact with Him. In few words, man was created for fellowship with God.

The angels, Elders and other heavenly beings were incapacitated and did not sustain the ability to interact with God nor host His dimensions. They cried Holy whenever God showed up because they were unable to articulate and comprehend who God is.

The word "Holy" does not imply holiness. It means "In your own class" or "set apart". God to them was in His own class and none of them had the faculties to understand Him or discern who He is.
Man was then created so that God could be expressed, known, and revealed. Through fellowship with man God was going to get this done.

God was going to make man understand who He was, host His dimensions and express them on the earth by the protocol of fellowship.

After creating man and placing him in the garden east of Eden, in the cool of the day, God would come into the garden just to have fellowship with Adam. Imagine the Almighty leaving His throne in Heaven to fellowship with man. From all indications, God was truly desirous of fellowship.

Moving away from the story of creation, having delivered the children of Israel from captivity in Egypt, God told them:

Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant, you shall be my treasured possession among all peoples, for all the earth is mine - Exodus 19:5 (ESV)

What God was trying to achieve with this was fellowship. If you keenly study the rest of the verses in Exodus chapter 19, you would see that God desired to have fellowship with Israel. Now, we are the spiritual Israel - having been delivered from the bondage of sin and death - God's desire has not changed. He wants to have fellowship with you.

Note this: God is much more interested in fellowship with you and you would ever be.

You may want to wave off the thought for fellowship feeling it does not matter.Unfortunately, that is detrimental and you would be doing that at your own risk.

Why You Must Fellowship With God

I will not bombard you with reasons why you must fellowship with God. The fact that God desires to fellowship with you is reason enough to fellowship with Him. I would say that again:

You must fellowship with God because He desires to have fellowship with you and because He created you, you do not have an option. God's sovereignty is binding.

Think about this.

A God who can not be approached, One who sits in the midst of inapproachable light has made Himself available for fellowship with man. Man who is just one of His creation and you think that man has a choice as regards fellowship with Him? I would answer that. Absolutely No!

Why do you think the devil fought man? Job and David repeatedly asked what is man? They could not understand why God was so generous to man. They wondered why man was so favored in the sight of God to be given the sacred privilege of interacting with God.

The devil envied what man shared with God. The God he knew would not condescend to fellowship with man. But then, God did so. Oh, the blessedness of fellowship. Man partaking in the very nature of God. That which the devil sought was handed over to us on a platter.

You are not strong enough to want to build your life outside of fellowship with God. It was man's attempt to build something outside God that got us into the mess we wallowing in now.

Man tried to run the life God gave him without God the giver and we see what it has brought us -- evils, troubles, turbulence and so on --. Trying to run our lives whilst relegating God and fellowship with God is like trying to live without oxygen -- certainly impossible.

We have decided to operate by intellectualism, instincts and science as against the original template for our existence which is fellowship with God. By design, man was not supposed to live on his own but in partnership with a spirit.

The dependence feature installed in man by God was God's idea to ensure that man kept the ordinance and protocol of fellowship. Sadly, man declared independence consequent on the fall in Genesis 3.
We devised and concocted systems and philosophies for living which did not have God in view.

As we continued on the path we had chosen by ourselves we degraded into chaos, darkness and gloom. This is what Prophet Jeremiah realized when he cried out:

I know, O LORD, that the way of a man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. - Jeremiah 10:23 (KJV)

The way of a man is not for the man to choose. Our understanding and foresight is too shallow to discern the right path to take. Yet, we choose a path and began to walk through it and it has been the source of the terrible things making the rounds today.

God Is Our Life-Source

The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life. - Job 33:4 (KJV)

From the scripture above, it is clear that God is our life-source. It is from Him that we draw our essence. Notice it says "...and the breath of the Almighty gives me life" That statement is in the present continuous form. This implies that our existence is supposed to be hinged on fellowship with God.

Today men are confused, systems are failing, nothing seems sustainable. All of these is because men declared independence from God when we were created to depend on Him. Men have taken control of their lives when their lives were supposed to be controlled by God.

Have you not wondered why there is so much darkness in the world? Have you not wondered why everything seems to be crashing down? Systems are failing and the world is plunging into decadence?
I can give you a clear, straight-forward and incontestable answer to all the questions above. It is our negligence to fellowship with our life-source. The one who created all and designed us to be dependent on Him.

This can not be the world God created in the beginning when He said it was good. The world today is definitely not what God created in Genesis 1. There has been an alteration, an aberration and we can trace it to our rebellion and arrogance.

It was not recorded that there was a global warming, or a landslide, or a tsunami, or a hurricane, or any of the woes plaguing the world today when Adam was in the garden having constant fellowship with the Father. Adam's fellowship with God caused a stability in all of the forces of nature.

And when we rebelled? The results are evidently seen around us. Everything came from God and to keep them in perfect operational conditions we must engage the protocol of fellowship.

The Cure For Darkness

For the darkness and chaos the world is currently experiencing there can be only one solution -- Light.
Apostle John tells us that God is light. And one of the benefit we derive from fellowship with Him is that we interact with light. Our interaction with light makes us become lights ourselves.

This interaction makes it impossible for us to walk in darkness. As we interact with God, we become light and as such when we enter a place what happens is recorded in John 1:5

And the light shines in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

What was translated "comprehended" should have been "apprehended". When light comes, it is impossible for darkness to stop it. Darkness can not help but vanish at the sight of light. It can never extinguish light.

The darkness in the world will become history when more and more individuals who have interacted with the Light in fellowship invade the world shinning as burning luminaries. Away from the world view into our lives and homes.

Has the devil not kept our lives, families, businesses and all that concerns us in darkness for too long? Has we not given him a field-day enough? Has he not wrecked enough damage?

Are cyclic manipulations and bondage not the order of the day in our lives? Have you not suffered so much setback, limitation and disappointment? Is this the best your life can be?

Your strength and intellect have failed in helping you secure a good life. Don't you think it is time to say enough to the devil and end his reign of darkness and terror in your life?
Fellowship with God, Our Father is the way out.

In Him was life; and that Life was the Light of men. - John 1:4 (KJV)

Pray NOW!


There is so much we are throwing away by neglecting fellowship with the Father.

Thanks BEE for adding so much value.

Glory to God Fam. Enjoy your experience fellowshiping with God.
