How does God Speak to us

God speaks to you all the time. We don’t hear, neither do we understand because we don’t know He’s the one talking. I can guess when someone is not listening to me and I will stop talking. So does God. He talks to us through dreams and visions or revelations. He talk to us through people, through prayers and speaking in tongues?God Speak to Us 

9 ways God speak to Us 

Audible voice

God has and still can speak audibly. Genesis 3:8 reveals that Adam and Eve heard God’s voice in the Garden of Eden. We can see in #Exodus 20:1-22 that God spoke audibly to Moses from the burning bush. God spoke to all Israel from Mount Sinai in #Exodus 3:4-6. Also, in the New Testament, God audibly endorsed Jesus at His baptism in Matthew 3:17, and His transfiguration in Matthew 17:5. God is sovereign, and He can speak however and whenever He wants.

Still small voice

In 1 #Kings 19:9-12, Elijah was camping in a cave on Mount Sinai when God manifested Himself. Elijah saw a powerful wind, a mighty earthquake and a fierce fire, but God wasn’t in any of them. Instead, God spoke to him in a still small voice.

The written and spoken/living Word

The logos, which is the written Word, is a main way God speaks. God speaks to us when we read the Bible on nearly every issue that applies to modern living. Jesus, the Bread of Life, taught us to pray in Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread”. God has fresh spiritual manna to share with us every day if we’ll take the time to read His Word.

On the other hand, spoken/living Word is a specific message the Holy Spirit inspires to you personally. It’s a specific word for a specific time and for a specific need. It occurs when the written or spoken Word comes alive with special meaning in your situation. Jesus said in John 6:63 that “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.”

Visions and dreams

Acts 2:17. And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. KJV

What is a Vision:

A vision is an inspired appearance (something you see literally with your eyes or in your mind or spirit). A dream is something seen in your sleep or something you imagine doing—a goal or an aspiration. God can insert images and ideas into our minds whether we are conscious or not.

Through signs

There is nothing wrong asking God for a sign. It depends on our motive. Satan’s requests was denied in Matthew 4:1-10, when he tempted Jesus during His fasting period. People who asked Jesus for a miracle just for show or to prove His divinity were denied, but those who asked God for a sign to confirm His will were often rewarded. In Judges 6:36-40, Gideon put a fleece out sincerely seeking confirmation of God’s will and was obliged.

Through people

God expresses Himself through human vessels to distribute His message in anointed sermons, songs and writings. God speaks through preachers and teachers, but He can also speak through our spouse, kids, friends and even enemies. God uses human channels to speak words of prophecy, tongues and interpretation and words of wisdom and knowledge (1 Corinthians 12:8-10, 1 Peter 4:11).

Through nature

#Psalms 19:1 proclaims, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handywork.” KJV. The vastness of space and the complexity of nature testify to God’s intelligent design. You can hear the Creator’s voice in a lightening and thunder, in the waves of the sea, in the song of a bird, in the wind whistling through the trees and in a baby’s cry.

Through Speaking in Tongues
God speak to us mostly Pastor whose prayers are deep inside of him, her privilege of speaking to God is almost at the his answers. God speak to people who are dedicated in Christ in spirit through Speaking in Tongues?

Through our conscience

God designed us with an inner awareness of what is right and wrong with an inclination to do right. God often speaks to us through our conscience.
Through coincidences/circumstances

I was, some time in the past, disturbed about the difficulty I was facing trying to make things possible to marry a lady I wanted to marry. I couldn’t hear what God was saying through the troubles, until a cousin of mine brought my attention to it there are situations we’re facing today that God is using to speak to us. We should ask for His wisdom and spirit of discernment to understand it. 

Remember, God speaks peace (Psalm 85:8). But sometimes, you may not feel the peace Immediately, it will surely come.
