[Book Review] Secrets of The Secret Place by Bob Sorge

Secrets of the Secret Place is a book written by author and teacher, Bob Sorge.

The book is an expository on the system of the secret place and how believers should use it as well as the immense benefits that comes with it.

In this book, Bob Sorge admonishes believers to establish a place, time and incentive to regularly meet with God.

Unlike the normal books on prayers that flood the shelves of libraries, Secrets of the Secret Place is a book that does not just teach you about the secret place but pulls you into it.

Secrets of the Secret Place is a book on how to pray effectively and one for every hungry, desperate follower of Jesus who is concerned about spiritual growth and gaining mastery.

The book is divided into four (4) parts namely:

  1. Accepting The Great Invitation
  2. Making It Work
  3. Setting A Marathon Pace
  4. and
  5. Seeking A Deeper Relationship

All of these sections are designed to help you pray to God effectively.

Every Believer is expected to know and dwell in the Secret Place and Bob Sorge diligently writes about the secret place and what you need to know about staying there.

About Author

Bob Sorge is "the speaker who can not talk", that is, he is reduced to a whisper because of a debilitating vocal injury he suffered over twenty (20) years ago.

Through the journey, God has given him an empowering message that explores God's purpose in fiery trials. It is not the fire that changes you but your pursuit of God in the fire that changes you.

Pastor Bob has a unique way of helping us process our journey so we stay in the race and overcome.

Whether you are reading one of his books or listening to him, you are about to receive a word from the heart of God that will strengthen your faith and draw you into greater intimacy with Jesus.
