Trait Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

"Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are revenging wolves."

We are living in an era where the manifestation of biblical prophesies has assumed startling dimensions in the past it was rare to hear of false prophets particularly in the big cities performing false signs and wonders, over publicizing themselves instead of Christ. These false prophets could also be identified with large crowds of followership, many of them living in influence. In this lesson, we will lol closely at some features of deception and their implications.

Also Read: Redemption through Jesus Christ

Important lesson

Jesus Christ first used this phrase (wolves in sheep's clothing ) in one of his sermons as he likened false prophets to revening wolves. He gave this broad and narrow gates. The use of metaphor characterized of Jesus. The Lord Jesus specifically pointed out the seriousness not deception that will present itself in various guises and forms. These acts will seem harmless but ultimately seek to make us deviates from following the Lord and eventually destroy us. On this backdrops, this lesson also showcases the sources of these deceptions from church and society particularly, among the nobles and renowned men and women. (1Kings 13:14-22). We are expected to be watchful and diligent in the truth of God's word in the face of the onslaught of deceptions. 

Therefore, "Enter ye in at the strait gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to to destruction, and many there be which go in there at: because strait is the gate, bad narrow is the way, which leadeth into life, and few there be that find it. Beware of false prophets, which come on you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves "(Matthew 7:13-15). Paul, in admonishing the Ephesian elders, warmed about grievous wolves that would not spare the flock (Act 20:17-29)

Victory Over The Bondage And Yoke of Sin in Your Christian Life

Meaning and characteristics of the phrase wolves in sheep's clothing."

This figurative expression is based on the idea that a sheep is a harmless and gentle creature, while a wolf is a cunning, vicious animal that attacks and eats vulnerable animals, such as sheep and lambs. The phrase depicts a hypocrite who pretends to be a Christian, a dangerous person who pretends to be harmless, innocent and genuine or an enemy who disguise as a friend.

Attribute of wolves in sheep's clothing

It's important that we know the traits and activities of these wolves to avoid the being a victim.

1. They exhibit ungodly lifestyles (Matthew 5:20)

2. They frustrate the grace of God, giving room to sin and encouraging others to do same (Roman's 1:32)

3. They distort the word of God by mixing false teachings with the truth (Mark 7:13)

4. They are models of greed, motivated by money and unrighteous gain (Philippians 3:18-19).

Biblical example of wolves in sheep's clothing

1. Cain, after his sacrifice was rejected, feigned to be friendly with Abel his brother and eventually killed him in the field(Genesis 4:8)

2. Amon deceived his father, David and his sister, Tamar whom he eventually defiled (2samuel 13:6-14).

4. The Pharisees and sedducees whose teaching and lifestyles were hypocritical (Matthew 16:6; Luke 12:1)

5. Judas Iscariot betrayed his Master, Jesus Christ, with a Kiss (Matthew 26:49, Luke 22:47-48)


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