Showing posts with label Water Baptism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Water Baptism. Show all posts

Immersion vs Sprinkling: How Should Water Baptism Be Performed

Water baptism has become an accepted event by all Christian sects and groups. It is considered an ordinance of church and one of the steps to salvation.

But it is also worthy of note that there is a prescribed methodology for performing water baptism as vividly seen in the Bible. Sadly, there is a form of disunity existing in Christendom over the right way to do water baptism.

This disunity has split the Body of Christ into two groups. The first believe that water baptism can be administered by sprinkling water over a person. The other group hold that water baptism is only valid when the person being baptized is completely immersed in water.

Fortunately for us all, the word of God does not leave us in the dark as to what baptism in water is about and how it ought to be performed. So in order to get accurate perspectives about water baptism and its administration, we would search the scriptures.

immersion is the right way to perform water baptism

It will interest you to know that there is no where water baptism was specified in the Bible to be done by sprinkling. All of the places where water baptism is recorded in the Bible indicates an immersion and not sprinkling of water.

One important pointer to note is the Greek word translated "baptize". It actually means to immerse or to dip under water and as your rightly know, the New testament was written in Greek.

This point is important because when we want to get the exact meaning of a word translated from another language, we check out its meaning from the root language. 

From the actual meaning of the word baptism in the original Greek rendition, we see that sprinkling is not captured as a method of administering water baptism but immersion.

Furthermore, if we look at the ministry of John the Baptist, we would see some very interesting stuff. First of all, the word "baptist" in the original Greek rendition means "immerser" "dipper" or "plunger". From the name given to him you already see that John was not a water sprinkler but a water dipper, immerser, or plunger.

John carried out his ministry of baptizing people "in the Jordan river" as revealed in Matthew 3:6 

And were baptized of him in Jordan, confessing their sins.

He did not sprinkle water on the people else there would be no need to take them into the river Jordan. We see this vividly expressed when John baptized Jesus in verse 16 

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him:

Notice that it is clearly spelt out that Jesus went "out of the water" indicative of the fact that He actually went "into the water". If John sprinkled water on Jesus then scriptures will not record that Jesus went in and out of the water as there would be no need to go into the water.

John clearly baptized Jesus in the Jordan river by immersing Him in the water and when Jesus came out of the water the heavens were opened. 

For further analysis on this matter, let's look at the account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8. The Bible records in verse 36 that on getting to a body of water, the eunuch asked Philip "See, here is water; what hinders me from being baptized?" (Paraphrased).

Philip told him only if he believed on the Lord Jesus Christ and after declaring his believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, the eunuch and Philip "went down both into the water" (Acts 8:38).

Philip conducted the baptism of the Ethiopian eunuch in the water not by sprinkling it on him. They would not go down into the water if sprinkling was all they would do. By standing by the bank of the water they could carry out sprinkling but since it was going to be an immersion which it was, they went into the water.

Water baptism according to the Bible is practically the immersion of people in water and not sprinkling. Sprinkling water over a person does not get him or her baptized. It is this activity that brought up the issue of Rebaptism.

For water baptism to be according to the pattern followed by Jesus, used by John the Baptist, and observed by the early church, it must be administered by complete immersion into a body of water.

It is unscriptural to claim that water baptism can be done by sprinkling water over a person – except we find scriptures which clearly shows that sprinkling is the methodology for baptism.

Another salient point which validates that immersion is the right means of administering water baptism is in one of the significances of water baptism.

Water baptism is significant of partaking in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The process of immersion in water identifies us with the death of Christ. Whe we come out of the water, it is a typology of the resurrection of Christ.

This is what Apostle Paul related to both the Romans and Colossians 

Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life. – Romans 6:4 

Buried with him in baptism, wherein also ye are risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead. – Colossians 2:12

We are buried in Him and we rise in Him through the ordinance of water baptism. It is our means of partaking in the death and resurrection of Jesus and sprinkling water does not touch this very important significance.


The significances of water baptism can only be actualized by immersion not sprinkling. As we have seen in scriptures: the ministry of John the Baptist, the pattern followed in the baptismal service of Jesus our pattern man, and the adminstration of water baptism in the early church, water baptism is carried out by immersion in water.

Until it can be scripturally-proven, sprinkling is not a way to carry out baptism and if you have been baptized by the sprinkling of water then you would need to undergo Rebaptism to be baptized according to Biblical standards.

Does Water Baptism Save You?

Can someone be saved when he or she is baptized in water?

Does being baptized in water make someone saved?

Does water baptism save you

The answer to these questions generally borders around the concept of salvation. An understanding of what salvation is and how it is gotten would help us identify if water baptism can save a man.

There are various school of thoughts on the concept of water baptism by different Christian groups and sects. 

The Liberals believe that repentance is the means for salvation. Evangelicals say believing and having faith in Jesus makes you saved. Sacramentals preach baptism as the key to salvation. The Pentecostals say you must be baptized in the Holy Ghost before you can be saved.

All of the views sustained by these sects are correct in the several fronts the conclusions were drawn. The truth about salvation is that it comes from all of the above means believed which makes holding on to one means as an imbalance in doctrine.

What I mean is that, the concept of salvation encapsulates the beliefs of the Liberals, Evangelicals, Sacramentals and the Pentecostals alike. Setting balance in the body of Christ is a necessary ministry today when sound doctrine seemed to have escaped through the backdoor.

The need for truth, sound and complete doctrine can never be overemphasized. All of the thoughts from the various units of the Christian faith on the subject of salvation are correct from the perspective they were drawn from but they lack completeness and due to the half-baked nature of their assertions, discourses like this have brought division to the body of Christ.

This ought not to be so. It is for this purpose Gospelcaster was established – to give every believer regardless of his or her denomination, the whole truth, articulating sound doctrine drawn from the balanced perspective of the Word of God.

For us to fully grasp the concept of salvation, we will need to look upon the words of Jesus and the practices of the early church. First, let's see what salvation is about.

What is Salvation? 

I would define Salvation as the sum total of what God did for us by sending Jesus His son to die for us. It is God's gift to mankind as Romans 6:23 puts it thus; 

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord

By virtue of the fall of man recorded in Genesis 3, man became condemned to death. A verdict of destruction and condemnation was placed on all of mankind. But God was not completely comfortable with it hence His plan of redemption.

Redemption is God reaching out to mankind – you and I and bringing us back to Himself through the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus. Sin made us separate from God. It built a tall fence between us and God – we had no access to God whatsoever.

The goal of Jesus' death was to save mankind from the verdict of death and destruction and to redeem us back to God.

While on Earth, Jesus taught on God's love for mankind and how He intended to bring man back to Himself since we were now being condemned to destruction as a result of sin "For the wages of sin is death..." – Roman 3:23

Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, condemned every single one of us to eternal death and destruction as Apostle Paul puts it in Romans 5:19 but Jesus came to correct the mistake of Adam by being obedient even unto death thereby restoring our original stand with God – giving us access to God and saving us from condemnation.

So salvation is everything Jesus came to earth to do which encompasses terminating our appointment with eternal death, giving us eternal life and restoring our lost access to God.


The concept of salvation is perfected in four thresholds. These thresholds are the four opinions the Liberals, Sacramentals, Pentecostals and Evangelicals hold on to. 

Salvation is gotten through 

  1. Repentance 
  2. Believing on the Lord Jesus 
  3.  Baptism in water 
  4.  Baptism in the Holy Spirit

Notice that each one of the thresholds of salvation is what a sect holds as the basis for salvation. Even though, it is correct you would agree with me that it is imbalanced right?, Yes!

The process towards salvation begins from repentance. Repentance is turning away from your former ways and accepting a new course.

Jesus as Mark records in his gospel began preaching in Mark 1:14 and 15 and Jesus' message was "the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel."

This is the first step towards salvation – repentance. The process of salvation begins when a man realizes he has been on the wrong path and has decided to switch sides and follow God.

Even John the Baptist told the people who came to him for baptism in Matthew 3:8 that they should bring forth fruits worthy of repentance. There is no salvation until repentance is observed. 

In Simon Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost recording in Acts 2, he told the people who asked what they should do (Acts 3:37) to first of all repent (Acts 3:38). Any salvation message that excludes the place of repentance is not complete.

Jesus preached repentance. John the Baptist preached repentance. The Apostles preached repentance. Salvation begins when repentance has been observed.

After repentance, what follows is believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. One must believe by faith that Jesus Christ died and resurrected on the third day to save mankind from condemnation and death. 

Only Jesus can save. In His words, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me" – John 14:6 

Repenting without believing that Jesus is the son of God who died to bring you back to God will not amount to getting saved. Believing on the Lord Jesus is an important requirement for salvation.

Jesus explained the overwhelming love of God in John 3:16 when He said 

 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

It is when we believe on the Lord Jesus that salvation is actually promised. Jesus further said;

"For God did not send His son into this world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him (Jesus) might be saved" – John 3:17

Also, a man asked Paul and Silas what he must do to be saved. Paul and Silas answered thus; 

...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household. – Acts 16:31

See what Apostle Paul told the Romans

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved  –  Roman 10:9

It is until a person repents and believes on the Lord Jesus Christ which is proven by the confessing of Jesus as Lord and Savior, forsaking sin and resolving to live holy, that he or she is fit for water baptism.

Water baptism is the third process of salvation after repentance and believing on Jesus. Water baptism is the act of complete immersion in water.

Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19 saying;

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

He also told Nicodemus in John 3:5 that except one is born of water he can not enter into the kingdom of God. Baptism in water is an event that must take place to consolidate the process of salvation. 

In Mark 16:16, Jesus said; 

He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.

Believing followed by water baptism consolidates salvation. Water baptism must not be trivialized. It must be observed as it is an important threshold for being saved.

Read: The Essence, Requirement and Significance of Water Baptism

After water baptism then the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' discourse with Nicodemus, He told the Pharisee that anyone who wants to enter into the kingdom of God must be born of water and also of the Spirit.

The baptism of the Spirit is very important for a believer. Water baptism cleanses you from your sins while the Holy Spirit baptism helps you live the new life of Christ.

It is as this stage – baptism in the spirit – that your salvation becomes complete. But there is something that would interest you, the order which I have listed may be broken.

Repentance and believing on Jesus Christ are constants – they must take place but some persons get baptized in the Spirit before they become baptized in water. I am an example.

I got baptized in the Holy Spirit long before I got baptized in water. I actually got baptized in water when the window was opened in my local Assembly.

This does not invalidate my salvation neither does it make me less a believer to the person who duly followed the processes outlined.

This is seen in the Bible when Peter went to preach in the house of Cornelius in Acts 10. In verse 44, the Bible records that while Peter was still speaking the Holy ghost fell on them. In verse 47, Peter asked "can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?

So it is very possible that someone having believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, gets baptized in the Spirit before being baptized in water.

It will also interest you to know that the thief who hung on the cross with Jesus was saved by only believing on Jesus. There was no chance to be baptized in water or in the Spirit. 

These examples I am citing are not to negate the place of the process but to tell you that it must not be a holistic approach. The order must not be followed but must be maintained.


On the question whether water baptism can save a man? 

The truth is no one begins the process of salvation by being baptized in water.

Water baptism is never the first requirement for getting saved.

One is entitled to be baptized in water only when he or she has repented and believed on Jesus. Baptizing someone who is a sinner – has not repenting and does not believe in Jesus – will not get that person saved.

In Acts 8:36, after Peter finished preaching to the Ethiopian eunuch, the man told Philip "See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?"

And Philip told him, only if you believe with all your heart – (Acts 8:37) and the man having believed confessed Jesus as the son of God.

It was then Philip baptized the eunuch in water. This must be the pattern before baptism in water. There must first be repentance and believing on Jesus before water baptism.

Is Water Baptism Necessary For Salvation?

Do you need to be baptized in water before you become saved?

Is water baptism a necessity for the salvation of your soul?

Must you be baptized in water before you can be saved?

Is water Baptism Necessary For Salvation

The answer to these questions are not far-fetched as this article is dedicated to providing answers to the above questions in simplified forms.

The truth is water baptism is not necessary for salvation neither is it required for salvation. Salvation can never and will never be gotten by being baptized in water. 

It is important to get the clear picture about water baptism and salvation and the scriptural perspectives of the subject matter. Is water baptism a requirement for salvation? Must I be baptized in water before I become saved?

Water baptism is an ordinance of the Christian faith which is an aftermath of being saved. That means it is when you are saved that you become eligible to be baptized.

Water Baptism is the ancient practice of complete immersion in water which bears a long list of significances as I explained in the essence and significance of water Baptism.

John the Baptist, the forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ began water baptism and the goal was actually to identify the one who would be the Messiah. From then, baptism has become a ceremony observed in the Faith following Jesus' command to the disciples in Matthew 28:19

Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

The early church in obedience to Jesus' instructions continued steadfastly in the practice of water baptism and today it is now considered an ordinance of the church. 

To answer the question whether water baptism is necessary for salvation, we would look into the account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch from the book of Acts 8:26-39 

The account of Philip and the Ethiopian eunuch is a thrilling one layered with the manifestation of the Spirit of God. Our focus is not on the divinely orchestrated manifestations but on Philip's identification of what should come first as a matter of priority on the course of salvation.

The Ethiopian eunuch went to Jerusalem to worship and he was headed back to Ethiopia (Acts 8:27). While in his chariot, he read a portion from the book of the prophet Isaiah and Philip been led by the Spirit ran to his chariot and asked the eunuch "Do you understand what you are reading?" (Acts 8:30).

The eunuch in sincerity told Philip that he did not understand, asking Philip to explain. Philip obliged and preached Jesus to the Ethiopian eunuch. On getting to a body of water, the eunuch asked Philip "What hinders me from being baptized?".

The answer Philip gave to the Ethiopian eunuch is the answer to any question relating to whether water baptism is a requirement for being saved. Let's see Philip's answer in Acts 8:37.

And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

The necessity for salvation is not water baptism but believing in Jesus, the son of God. Water baptism does not save you neither is it a necessity or requirement for your salvation.

The only requirement that is consistent through out scriptures for salvation is believing in Jesus, accepting His gift of eternal life and turning away from your sins.

Jesus said in John 3:16 ... whosoever believeth in him. This is the only requirement for salvation – believing in Jesus. Water baptism only comes after you have believed in Jesus and have made a decision to forsake your sins and resolved to live a holy life.

In Acts 16:30, a man asked Paul and Silas "Sire, what must I do to be saved?"
Look at the answer they gave the man in the next verse; 

And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house. – Acts 16:31

Before you can be saved, you must believe and confess Jesus as Lord and Savior, resolved to forsake your sinful ways and to live holy. It is when a decision such as this is made before you are entitled for water baptism.

One of the significances of water baptism is to serve as a public declaration to the world that you are no longer a sinner and that you have made a decision to forsake sin and follow God.

I counsel that you read my article on the essence, requirement and significance of water baptism.

To be saved, you must believe in Jesus. Water baptism is not a necessity for salvation. No one is saved by being baptized. You're saved before being baptized.