Showing posts with label Lady Sandra Areh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lady Sandra Areh. Show all posts

Happy Birthday Lady Sandra Areh

Today, December 9th is the birthday of Lady Sandra Areh.
I know this name doesn't sound familiar and you would be wondering why it is on this platform today. 

Lady Sandra Areh is a loving, accommodating, dedicated and hardworking woman. She is a member of the Koinonia workforce and from all the testimonies I have gathered about her I know she has been a faithful one.

As to why I am celebrating her, it is believed that she is the potential wife of our beloved father, mentor, teacher and elder, Apostle Joshua Selman. Apostle Joshua Selman has remained single and silent on the issue of marriage and the news of him getting married to Lady Sandra Areh was received by a teeming, enthusiastic group of followers who have taken it upon themselves to share abroad the 'goodnews'.

Lady Sandra Areh who has been nicknamed 'Selwoman' after Apostle's surname 'Selman' has been spoken of in high notes based on her service in Koinonia, her humility and dedication and been linked to Apostle Joshua Selman. She is considered blessed among women in our day and time.

Social media has not known peace since Pastor Ejimi one of Apostle's closest friends celebrated her. The union between her and Apostle has been tagged #ApostolicUnion2020.

Today we celebrate Lady Sandra Areh and we wish her bliss and blessedness in all she engages in.
Well, Pastor Ejimi happens to be the only confirmed source of the news of the union between Lady Sandra and Apostle Selman.

 Is the union for real? Is Apostle Joshua Selman really getting married to Lady Sandra Areh?
We would keep our fingers crossed hoping only for the best!