Showing posts with label Apostle Johnson Suleiman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Apostle Johnson Suleiman. Show all posts

New year's Resolutions

New year's resolutions are necessary because they set specific goals for one's life right at the beginning of a particular year. 

A life without appropriate Personal goals is likely to be a life without any significant achievement. Daniel and the prodigal son made personal resolutions that helped them in different ways. 

Contacting Grace For Supernatural Exploits

What are new year's Resolutions?

New year's resolutions are solemn decision made by individual at the beginning of a new year ( usually on 1 January) based on past experience and future aspirations. They are usually the results of a sober reflection on one's success and failures in several areas (religious, family, business, career, social, etc) aimed at improving one's life. New year's resolutions constitutes a unique type of peronal decision.

An Examples of New Year's Resolutions

Evangelism is the most important service Christians can render to God and humanity Because of the value of a soul.

Jesus gave us the Great commission:" And he said unto them, go ye into all the word, and preach the gospel to every creatures. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be Damned."(Mark 16:15-16). Redemption Through Jesus Christ

The last words of Jesus on Earth before he ascended to Heaven were on evangelism:"But he shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all judae, and in Samaria, and into the uttermost part of the earth." (Acts 1:8) 

Consequently, one may make a resolution to engage in Personal evangelism for soul Winning. For example, some years ago, our founding fathers and pioneer international Director of Greater Evangelism World Crusade, Apostles Geoffrey D. Numbere (1944-2014), led at Least 25 persons to Christ within 2 weeks through peronal Evangelism. 

Some Biblical Examples of Rewards for Victorious Christian Living?

This was the result of his personal resolutions from his New Year Sermon on the urgent need for individual preaching of the Gospel. He led by example.

Requirements for an Effective Resolution.

From the lives of Daniel and the prodigal Son, we can identify three requirements for an Effective Resolution.

1.  Jenuine conviction: it must come out of a genuine personal conviction about a bad thing you want o avoid or a good thing you want to do or improve upon. As a Jew, Daniel knew that idolatary was a sin against God (Exodus 20:1-6); the prodigal son hated the state of his life (Luke 15:14-17).

2. Specific Decision- make specific decision according to your situation. Daniel decided not to defile himself even in captivity (Daniel 1:1-8); the prodigal Son decided to return to his father for his forgiveness and resolution (Luke 15-18-19)

3. Steadfast Commitment- Like Daniel (Daniel 1:10-16) and the Prodigal son (Luke 15:20-21), you must carry out your resolutions with steadfast commitment. Note that procrastination is major obstacle to achieving one's goals.

What you must do as a Christian Every New year.

1. Please, write down your personal resolutions for this new year. Determine to achieve each of them.

2. Earnestly pray for God's grace and power to enable you execute your Resolution.

Apostle Joshua Selman – The Power of Productivity [Koinonia Sermons]

Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak is an anointed man of God with a unique teaching and apostolic ministry. He is the founder of Eternity Network International (ENI) with headquarters at Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Download and listen to The Power Of Productivity By Apostle Joshua Selman 

More sermons and messages of great men and women of God exist on this platform. Click HERE  for more sermons.

Apostle Joshua Selman – Give Me This Mountain

Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak is an anointed man of God with a unique teaching and apostolic ministry. He is the founder of Eternity Network International (ENI) with headquarters at Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria.
Download and listen to Give Me This Mountain


More sermons and messages of great men and women of God exist on this platform. Click HERE for more sermons.

Apostle Johnson Suleiman Gifts 6.5 Million Naira To Unemployed Church Members

Benevolence has always being the watchword of Apostle Johnson Suleiman the founder of Omega Fire Ministry with headquarters at Auchi, Edo State.

The man of God's benevolence was on display again today, Sunday the 20th of January, 2018 as he dished out cash gifts to the tune of 6.5 Million naira to the unemployed members of his church.

Together with his wife, Dr Lizzy Suleiman, Apostle Johnson Suleiman handed envelope parcels of cash after calling out the unemployed during Sunday Service in church today.

Goodness, benevolence, kindness, generosity, and goodwill have not departed from the church. It is so unfortunate that the media would not take note of this kind gesture by God's servant.

Share this post until it gets to everyone online. The church is marching on and no authority from hell can prevail against it.

Check out the photos Gospelcaster got from the service.