Quick answer to prayer on how to get rich quick

Quick answer to prayer on how to get rich quick

The one unique principle that exists is that the solution to a problem lies within the problem. This is a fact that only a few is aware of. Do you know that the solution to your financial problem still lies on the problem? 

Also Read: How to become Spiritual Prayerful

Let me explain with a proof. In the book of Exodus 15:23, when Moses led the Israelites from the Red Sea into the desert of Shur, they came to the waters of Mara, but they couldn’t drink its water because the water was bitter. The Israelites grumbled against Moses for lack of water and Moses prayed to God. At that moment, God showed him a piece of wood which he threw into the water and the water became fit for drinking. At least three lessons can be gleaned from this event.

Every problem has a solution.

The solution to a problem lies within it, if not close to it.

Sometimes prayer alone does not bring solution, action is needed.

Once you realize that no matter how severe the problem is, that there is a solution, then your salvation is on the way. Your awareness of this builds up hope and the strength to carry on and keep fighting.

Also Read: How To Pray in The Holy Spirit

Again, who could have told the Israelites that the material that has the chemical properties to purify the bitter water is just right beside the water? Sometimes we only need to pause and ponder, doing this gives you a clear mindset to think reasonably. Within the problem always lies the solution, oh yes! The solution is not far from the problem. 

All you need to do is to eschew fear and agitation. Let me tell you something, “once fear creeps in, all your experiences, knowledge and energy freeze out”. At this point, you will automatically become dumb and powerless.

However, if you are able to muster courage and make inquiries, then you will find out that the solution to the problem is just near like the piece of wood. All you need to do is to pick it up and throw it into the water like Moses did. Again, sometimes it is not all about prayer, you need action. It wouldn’t be a difficult task for God to cause the water to become fit to drink, instead, He decided to involve man’s action. My brother, my sister, you need to go out there and get something doing to make money.

Okay, back to what we were saying about the solution to a problem being close to the problem. If you are having financial struggle and you are praying for financial breakthrough, my brother, my sister, the ritual to get quick answer to this prayer is “giving to charity”.

Do you know why the Jewish people tend to be very rich, it’s because they have made giving to charity a ritual. Do you know that a typical Jewish man gives charity every morning after praying? He/she puts the money into a box called Tzadakkah box in the Synagogue or at home. Prayer for the Holy Spirit

At the end of the week, the monies will be accumulated and sent to families that do not have enough fund to prepare for sabbath or it will be used to buy food supplies and send to families that do not have enough items for the sabbath day. Is this not amazing? And like I said, it’s a ritual because they do it every day except on sabbath days.

Giving to charity is the number one means of becoming financially okay. It is mystical and you can make it a ritual. It is a ritual used in making quick money. Why? Because God uses you that is giving to charity to take care of others to keep the world going. If He fails to give you the money, many will starve. So, you left God no option than to give you more money because you will use it to take care of His children.

In fact, in many places in the scriptures, God commanded us to give to the poor so that we can get richer; the ritual is already stated. To confirm to you that giving to charity is the only ritual dedicated for getting rich, God categorically created a law of charity in disguise called Tithing, or giving of tithe. Because it is expected of you to do always, it is a ritual.


God answered quick prayers to all who believes in him 

