Some Biblical Examples of Rewards for Victorious Christian Living?

The theology of rewards remained an important theme. The Bible assures us of the reward awaits those who serve God willingly at all times (Hebrews 6:10). Paul also pointed out that God rewards those serve him faithfully (1Corinthians 3:13-14; 17;2 Timothy 4:7-8). The challenge of maintaining consistent victorious Christian Life will require patience as such the reward of those who endure to the end is heart cheering. This lession will encourage us to live everyday in anticipation of our day of reward.

The meaning of Rewards 

Reward means a "thing given in return- something desirable given in return for what somebody has done". It's also "benefits" - "benefits Obtained as a result of actions taken or a job done" or "something of value given in return for an action"- "The result of an action good or bad".

The reward of a victorious Christian Living is therefore the recognition and benefits Given by the Lord Jesus Christ to believers who have fought a good flight of faith l, finished their course and kept the Faith (2Timothy4:7)The Man which God Uses

Biblical view of Rewards you must known as a Christian

The Biblical refers to rewards as something given to either a good or bad act (Galatians 6:7). The psalmist, for example speaks of "a reward of the wicked" (Psalm91:8 at the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, "He will reward each man according to his works" (Mathew 16:27). The reward of the godly in this present World is partly Realized, but is mainly reserved for eternity with the Lord (Luke 18:28-30). 

Also Read: Redemption Through Jesus Christ

God's reward does not come to us by our personal effort but by his righteousness imputed on us. God gives us the grace to live an overcoming life, and then crown's that grace with glory, hence, it's clear That the reward is not debt, but grace (1peter 1:13).

Rewards for victorious Christian

The promise of his rewards to the victorious Christian are expressed thus: they shall not be hurt of the second death. They would be given power over the nation's. They shall be clothed in white garment. Jesus will not blot their names out of the book of Life.

Jesus will acknowledge them before his father's and his Angels (Revelation 2:11-26; 3:5). In the same vein, the Lord promised us of His presence, Divine provision and protection.

We shall inherit all things and out relationship with God nudes forever. Also, there are rewards of crowns which include crown of righteousness, rejoicing life,glory and incorruptible which await them that truly believe and live overcoming and victorious life in Christ. (2 Timothy 4:7-8). 

The Lord Jesus promised his true followers that he was going to prepare a place so that "where I am there shall also servant be;" we shall also be honourable by God the Father (John 12:26). We also have Rewards that are negative and pretend eternal consequences for non- victorious Christian Living.  Contacting Grace For Supernatural Exploits

The Lord warned those living. The Lord warned those deny him and live carelessly "him will I also deny before my father as which is in heaven" (Mathew 10:43). Again, those who do not endure, maintain their faith, remain in fellowship with Christ and such like, will loose the blessings of God here on Earth and most painfully, eternal life?
