Happy Birthday Apostle Mike Orokpo

The 1st of March is truly a blessed day to be the birthday of a rising giant.

Today, March 1st, we celebrate Apostle Mike Orokpo:

A weapon forged from Zion.
An Apostle of no small pedigree.
A living epistle.
A man of fire.
Full of wisdom and the Spirit of God.
An expositor of the word of God.

A gift to our generation.
A clear example of the transformation men can experience by the Spirit of God.

The sermons on this great man of God has shaped the lives of thousands all over the world.

Campuses have not recovered from the encounters during his meetings. Apostle Mike Orokpo is truly an emissary of God's Power, Might and Wisdom.

On this day of your birth, the Gospelcaster wishes to felicitate with you and prays that God would continually use you as you keep adding value and vigour to the spiritual life of His people.

May this day of your birth usher you into newer dimensions of the Spirit. I trust God to make all grace abound towards you and that the door of utterance be opened up for you.

Grace on fiery Apostle.
Live to fulfill purpose and the call of God on your life.
We love you and we are grateful for yielding!

Send in your wishes via the comment box below!!

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