Contacting Grace For Supernatural Exploits

Your performance of exploits in God is predicated on the amount of grace you've been exposed to. – Brodrick Emmanuel Ebube 

Several individuals have displayed varying levels of manifestations and these manifestations find their worthy sources on the strength of the grace which these individuals have contacted.

From Biblical characters such as Paul, Peter, John, Elijah, Elisha, Moses and so many others showcased unrivalled dimensions of supernatural exploits.

In our day and time, the likes of E.M Bounds, John Knox, Benny Hinn, Arome Osayi, Joshua Selman, Daddy E.A Adeboye e.t.c are reckoned for the dynamic kinds of supernatural manifestations they've brought the Body of Christ.

One ever-present phenomenon in all of their lives both the men in the Biblical times and those in our day and time which accounts for why they were or are able to perform supernatural exploits is that they contacted grace for exploits.

None of them did what they did by virtue of their own strength. They all made contacted with grace and that grace facilitated their ability to perform mind-boggling exploits.

Interestingly, the performance of these supernatural exploits were not made only for these fathers of faith. Jesus speaking said 

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." – John 14:12 

From the above scripture we see that the criteria for performing exploits is believing in Jesus. Anyone who believes in Jesus is a candidate for the performance of exploits.

Unfortunately, so many believers do not walk in the reality of this truth. The average believer is weak and beggarly, unable to bring about the performance of the tinniest level of supernatural manifestations.

Nevertheless, the key to supernatural exploits rests in the contact of grace for its performance. When you come in contact with grace which is sufficiently enough to cause you to walk in dimensions of supernatural exploits you automatically walk in it.

Sometime in 2017, Apostle Joshua Selman came to the Federal Polytechnic, Bida and on the first day of the programme as soon as he stepped in everyone was falling under the anointing.

That day he didn't preach. He just continued the immense impartations.
On the second day of the programme, he told his audience that he could switch on the presence and switch it off whenever he wanted to.

The audience were thrown into shock when he called out someone to shake him. The guy shook Apostle Selman on leaving his hand, Apostle Selman asked the guy to shake him again and the young man did all he could but couldn't shake Apostle Selman.

As soon as you come in contact with grace, you would never struggle to perform exploits. Exploits for you would be a very natural thing.

So then, how do we contact grace for supernatural exploits? I would be outlining four ways in which you can contact grace for supernatural exploits.

1. Have an Encounter with Jesus 

 The grace of God is Jesus. Titus in chapter 2 and verse 11 says;

"For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men"

Titus calls Jesus the "grace of God". Everything you desire to be and to do in God's Kingdom becomes possible only when you secure an encounter with the man Jesus.

All the men and women who have walked in diverse dimensions of supernatural exploits had encounters with Jesus. Any man who seems to be operating exploits without a distinct encounter with Jesus is operating via an unclean spirit.

Apostle Paul, the moment he met Jesus in Acts 9 was introduced into an overwhelming level of supernatural exploits so much so that he who was the least of the apostles became the most influential.

If you seek supernatural exploits then you must seek an encounter with Jesus. It is not enough to just believe in Jesus and accept His gift of salvation. You must have an encounter with Him.

2. The Study of The Word

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:

That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." – 2 Timothy 3:16 - 17

 To perform supernatural exploits you must be an ardent student of the word of God. God's word must find deep root in your life if you would ever command any form of supernatural manifestation.

My mentor shared a story with me of how he was embarrassed by a lady he was trying to pray for. He kept praying for her and shaking her rigorously in his bid to cast out a demon in her.

The lady got tired and yelled at him in pidgin English "Na so them dey do, you just dey pour me spit" (Is that how they do it? You are just spitting on me).

He was so embarrassed but then he  encouraged himself to study the word and find out what he wasn't getting right. After studying the word for so long, he went for a meeting and even before he started to pray people were already falling under the anointing – amazing transition right?

This transition was possible because he gave himself to the study of the word of God. If you take Bible study as a part-time activity you would never come into the place of the performance of supernatural exploits.

3. Prayer 

 The most prevalent trait you would always find in the lives of men and women who operate in unsung dimensions of supernatural manifestations is prayer.

The art of prayer is the producer of supernatural manifestations. The Bible speaks about Elijah in James 5:17

"Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months."

Prophet Elijah was able to shut the heavens from producing rain on the strength of his prayer life. No true supernatural manifestation would happen to a man who doesn't have a secret place.

The place of prayer is a place of power and authority thus anyone who spends quality time in the place of prayer would be able to trap enough grace for the performance of supernatural exploits.

You will never work supernatural manifestations until you're completely sold out to prayers. Your life would be empty and dry except you embrace the culture and master the art of prayer.

Prayer is quintessential for accessing grace to perform supernatural exploits.

4. Humility

 I am sure you're wondering how this point relates to contacting grace for supernatural exploits.

I would like you to know that, anyone who is proud would never come into the operations of supernatural exploits. If you desire to walk in dimensions of power and authority then you must be deficient of pride.

"But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble." – James 4:6

Imagine when God is resisting a man! That man would never know any good talkmore of walk in supernatural manifestations. God opposes and resists the proud. He would not release grace for supernatural exploits on the proud.

It is by humility that you can contact grace for supernatural exploits. As God resists the proud, He is keen to all who are humble and lowly. People with such traits become endued with grace for the performance of supernatural exploits.

Pride only leads you to destruction. To be used of God you must be deficient of pride. No one who is pride can amount to any form of rank with God only the humble can accurately manifest supernatural exploits.

In conclusion, you must understand that the performance of supernatural exploits is not meant for Pastors, Apostles, Prophets and the likes but for every believer (John 14:12).

With the four points outlined above, you would be a worthy candidate for the performance of supernatural exploits.

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