Biblical Principles For Correcting Error in The Body of Christ

One of the many setbacks the Body of Christ is presently suffering from is that of error committed in trying to correct error.

So many have supposedly picked up the call to correct what they deem to be error in the Body of Christ. There are so many apostles, prophets, reverends, evangelists, deacons and so on who have taken up the call to correct supposed errors in the Church regardless of being called by God or not.

With the aim of correcting errors, the Church has succeeded in committing more errors because certain principles for correcting errors where ignored.

The Bible doesn't leave us in the dark as to how the correction of error should be done. It presents us with principles which must be adhered to if we would correct errors accurately and not inflict more errors to the Body.

One fact can not be taken away, there is an office for the correction of error. Not everyone in ministry or in church is supposed to correct error. Nevertheless, the principles which I'd be sharing today would help the Body of Christ understand how the correction of errors should be done.

Principle #1: Correct In Genuine Love For The Body.

"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing."
– 1 Corinthians 13:1-3

Any kingdom function that is carried out without love is nothing but a charade of God's ideal blueprint for the performance of these function.

Apostle Paul explains this principle when he outlined various spiritual functions. He said this functions are supposed to be operated on the basis of love.

Correcting error in the Body of Christ is a spiritual function and if its performance is carried out without love then we have not truly corrected error.

Love can never be sidelined when the issue of correcting errors comes up. Until we have a genuine love for the Body of Christ we would be creating more errors in our attempt to correct the already existing ones.

Love for the Body of Christ should be a pivotal piece and the driving force for all kingdom functions and correcting errors is not an exception.

Principle #2: Errors Should Be Corrected By Truly Spiritual People

"Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted." – Galatians 6:1

Even though Galatians 6:1 talks about the restoration of one who falls into sin it also contains a principle for correcting error.

The role of correcting errors should be an exclusive reserve for persons who are spiritual. By being spiritual, I am not referring to church attenders but to people who walk diligently in, are highly responsive to, and are controlled by the Spirit of God.

The position of apostle or prophet does not completely reflect the criteria for correcting error.

The correction of error must be performed by persons who have yielded completely to the dealings of the Holy Spirit. The man who has fully subjected his all; will, desire, resource, flesh, intellect, and emotions to the Spirit of God and has come under an active fellowshipping with the Spirit is a candidate for the role of correcting error.

Why does one need to be spiritual in order to profer solutions to existing errors?

The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of Truth". His job description as the Spirit of Truth is such that He is the only personality who can reveal and guide into all truth.

So the man who has come under the unhindered control of the Holy Spirit is advantaged to the end that the Spirit in him is able to guide him into all truth, a necessary prerequisite for correcting error.

Principle #3: Correct In Meekness

Apostle Paul presents another principle for correcting error this time in his second letter to Timothy.

"In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;" – 2 Timothy 2:25

Trying to correct out of pride and anger would only aggravate the one who you're trying to correct and chances are that you may never be able to correct that person.

Meekness must take center stage before correcting error should take place.
Taking or making a decision on the template of anger, bitterness, and frustration would result to a greater damage but Apostle Paul shows us a better way – Meekness!

Meekness in dishing out corrections would act as a catalyst, speeding up the process of correcting error.


Correcting error is a kingdom function and all kingdom functions are carried out following principles and precepts.

Failing to carry out kingdom functions with their corresponding principles would shortchange the purpose of that kingdom function.

To correct error we must do so following the principles for correcting error. Let us stop the perpetrating of more errors in our bid to correct the already existing ones by obeying the principles aforementioned.

We could turn this setback caused by correcting error into a major boost for the Body Of Christ.


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