The Dynamics of Prophecy and Prophetic Declarations

Believers get very excited at the declarations of prophecy and prophetic words. In Nigeria, for example, the most thriving of the five-fold ministry is the prophetic.

Prophetic ministries daily amass a great multitude of people because both believers and nonbelievers alike love prophesying. We want to be told we'd make it, we want to be told who is responsible for our predicament, we want to know if the future would be brighter and so on.

But I noticed a deficiency and an error as regards prophecy. As much as prophecy is sought for there is a little knowledge of what prophecy really is about both by believers and those working in the prophetic.

Consider this:

Why has the prophecies of that man of God that came to your church for revival not materialized years after?

The prophecy you received that God will change your story in two (2) months has not come to pass and it's being five (5) years since the prophecy was spoken. What went wrong?

Why is it that a good percentage of the prophetic declarations made to us never become palpable realities?

The answers to the above questions are revealed in the dynamics of prophecy and prophetic declarations which many of us do not know and have not considered even occupants of the prophetic office.

In this article, I am going to show you why despite your loud Amen's to prophetic declarations your life is a shadow of the words spoken.

You would find out what we have been doing wrong all this while in the name of prophesying!

If you work in the prophetic or you crave for the office of a prophet, then understanding these dynamics would go a long way in positioning you accurately for the call and office.

What are the dynamics for prophetic declarations?

#1. Prophetic Declarations Must First Be Established In The Place of Prayer

This is where many prophets, pastors, revivalists, and believers miss it.

They see prophetic declarations as a means of enticing the people or getting them to shout "I receive" and "amen" up and down.

Prophetic declarations are not for motivation. If the people need motivation hire a motivational speaker. A prophetic declaration is the communication of the mind of God over a particular thing, an issue or a person. 

Resorting to making prophetic declarations when you have not duly stamped anything in the realm of the Spirit is the foremost reason why your prophetic declarations often fall to the ground.

In 1Kings 17, we see Elijah arriving on the scene just out of nowhere and boldly prophesying that there would be no rain nor dew in Israel until he (Elijah) speaks again.

For a long time, when I read that scripture or I am reminded of it, I used to say that Prophet Elijah exhibited faith until I saw this;

"Elijah was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months." – James 5:17

James shows us what Elijah did before he boldly came out to prophetically declare that rain would not fall over the city of Israel. Elijah was not acting by faith but by virtue of the establishment of the prophetic declaration in the realm of the Spirit.

Every true prophet must understand how to navigate and entrench things in the realm of the Spirit through prayers.

A prophet who is not yielded to prayers is nothing for a necromancer and operates via witchcraft and satanic influences – Quote me anywhere!

Before anything can be established on the earth it must first be established in the spirit. Thus your prophetic declaration must have been established in the spirit through prayers before you can dispense them.

#2. Prophecy and Prophetic Declarations Must Be Inspired Words From God

This point is more like the 1st but with a slight difference in emphasis. 

Let me define prophecy;

Prophecy is defined as inspired declaration or description or representation of something future, beyond the power of human sagacity to foresee, discern, or conjecture.

We can also define prophecy as inspired words from God which lets people in on what God's will, purpose, and counsel is for a particular timeframe or dispensation.

In the two definitions above, there is no where prophecy is by human inspiration or will.

You do not prophecy because people asked you to neither do you prophecy because you want to. You prophecy only when God puts His words in your mouth.

Prophecy was not created for you to use in motivating people while you preach. God designed prophecy as a system through which chosen individuals (prophets) gain access to the heart of God and deliver His will, purposes and counsel to His people.

I am not so comfortable when I see prophets ask "can I prophecy?" and gullible believers scream back answering "prophecy man of God." I don't think this is scriptural.

True prophecy does not come from human inspiration, will or intellect. Words inspired by God is what prophecy is about.

Until you hear God speak over a particular issue don't say anything. Don't clamour for people to shout "Prophecy, man of God" before you relate God's mind to them.

#3. Prophetic Declarations Requires a Contention Before it Materializes.

The problem of prophecy and prophetic declarations not coming to pass is entirely not the fault of prophets. Sometimes the recipient of the prophetic word is to blame.

When a prophetic declaration goes forth, the devil would do anything and everything to make sure that prophecy never becomes a reality.

To this end after a prophetic word has gone out there is need for a contention to establish and turn the prophetic word into a reality.

The prophet may be accurate, the prophecy may be from God but if you, the recipient, fails to contend for the actualization of the prophecy then it may fall to the ground.

Prophecy and prophetic declarations are established by contention. You would need to travail so that the prophecy spoken over your life won't fail.

How then do you contend?

Through prayers. Yielding diligently to prayers.

Elijah was able to shut the heavens over the Israel and open it by fervent prayers. With prayers you can establish prophecy and turn prophetic declarations to palpable realities.

Ultimately, the prophetic is effectively operated by mastery of the art of prayers. You can establish whatsoever on the earth as long as you have  established it in the Spirit through prayers.

The prophetic is largely dependent on prayers. You can neither be a prophet or enjoy benefits from the prophetic ministry except you're yielded to prayers.

Prayers and prophesying are not separable. Keep prayers outside of prophecy and what you would have is necromancy and witchcraft.
