Why Prayers is a Necessity For Every Believer


Prayer is a system of connection linking man to God. Man is enabled to communicate with divinity on the template of prayer. Every other platform of communicating with the spirit realm aside prayer is an element of witchcraft.

It is only on the template of prayer that one can truly and legitimately secure a connection line between the two plains of human existence; the flesh and the spirit!

Prayers is undoubtedly man's most crucial engagement with the Spirit of God. Outside the boundaries of prayers there can be no effective means of reaching God legitimately. Our best shot towards interfacing and intercoursing with God is on the strength of prayers.

Prayers as a believer is not a delegable or debatable option. It is mandatory and not optional for every believer.

I would be outlining seven (7) points which I believe would show us why prayers is not just important but necessary.

1. It is Man's Connection to God

In gaining access to God, our greatest and only potent tool which is a ready link is prayers. To procure any form of connection with divinity you must make use of the instrument of prayer.

How can one live successfully without a secured connection to the God of the whole universe?
A man who is not connected to God faces dangers which can be likened unto a situation such as being dropped in a battlefield unprotected, loosed and unarmed. That's only disastrous.

If one must navigate through this earth the right way then he or she must have procured and secured a connection to God and the procurement and securing of this connection is attained through prayers.

2. Prayer Opens One up to Vision and Purpose

"Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not" — Jeremiah 33:3

From the place of prayer, we are enabled to see vision of things and issues hidden and unknown. Due to the nature of the spirit realm, it is quite impossible for a person operating solely from the plains of the flesh to know the workings and activities of the spirit but through prayers though we walk I'm the flesh, we are able to gain insight by visions and revelations about the deep and hidden things of the spirit.

Our sense of sight, the two physical eyes, are a serious limitation. Relying on the sight your two eyes affords you is dangerous as you navigate through the earth hence it is expedient that one has eyes which are opened in the Spirit.

If your sense of spiritual sight is impaired how can you be able to wrestle against powers, principalities, rulers of darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness which you cannot see with your physical eyes?

Your spiritual sight must be activated in order for you to combat in the Spirit and prayers is your only key to doing so.

Also, prayer is an effective tool for searching out the essence on which your life was designed to be driven on. If you have no knowledge on what your purpose in life is and why you were created be sure that you are simply wasting away; existing but not living.

If you would open up the writings of purpose over your life you must devote yourself to prayers.

3. Prayers Brings Direction and Guidance.

Life is too complicated to navigate through without direction and guidance. In life, we are faced with dicey choices to make in Whig the wrong choices bear very great and severe consequences hence we need divine direction and guidance and prayers offers us that.

As prayers connect you to the Spirit of God, it keeps you from making the wrong choices and taking the wrong steps and this is what direction and guidance is about.

4. Prayers Produces Wisdom

Wisdom is the principal thing. Men and women in times past to this present day have sought for wisdom and the world has devised a mechanism, a system of celebrating wise people.

There was a time in ancient Greece when only the wise and people who excelled in intellectual activities were allowed to participate in government in a system called meritocracy. Life's greatest are not fools but persons with a rare dimension of wisdom.

True wisdom can only be accessed via prayers. Elihu made an assertion in Job 32:7

"I said, Days should speak, and multitude of years should teach wisdom"

He himself declared that he was wrong. Being old is never a guarantee for wisdom. He, Elihu, now propounded another theory in the subsequent verse.

"But there is spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding" — Job 32:8

To gain wisdom for attending to life's issues one needs to be yielded to prayers. God is ready to give wisdom to all who ask of Him.
He said;

"If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not: and it shall be given him." — James 1:5

If you are in need of wisdom, simply go to God in prayer and believe you've received it.

5. Prayers Births Power

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" — Ephesians 6:12

We are constantly in a battle situation fighting against spiritual forces and influences. Whether you are aware or not there is a continued war between you and spiritual influences. It is only by God's mercies that we are not consumed.

By our position in Christ we become soldiers. Engaging in combat for ourselves, our families and our territories. If you are not empowered for battle then you'd be a casualty. Weakness in the battlefield would be paid for bitterly.

Prayers offers us the much need power against these spiritual influences and forces that constantly war against us. A man who is prayerful does not beg for power; he walks in the realm of power naturally.

Powerless people are prayerless people. They are easily trampled upon, shut out, and deprived of their rights and privileges and you would never wish to be brought under such circumstances. Your key to entering into realms and dimensions of power is in the place of prayer.

6. Prayer Guarantees Protection and Preservation

"He that dwelleth in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High shall ABIDE UNDER THE SHADOW OF THE ALMIGHTY" – Psalms 91:1 {Emphasis Mine}

A man who dwells in the secret place is a candidate for divine protection and preservation. The shadow of the Almighty speaks talks about a covering, a shielding from the wiles and fiery darts of the devil and this place which offers this much protection is an exclusive reserve to those who know the secret place of prayers for themselves.

Dwelling in the secret place offers you a refuge and a fortress, deliverance from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

Every soldiers knows how important it is to be well protected. You can be skilled in fighting and be knowledgeable in the science and art of war if you are not protected you may end up a casualty.

Only by prayers can you be truly protected and preserved. When you spend time with God in prayers, He becomes fond of you and wouldn't hesistate to disburse heavenly security and protocol your way.

7. Prayer Births Holiness

Yielding yourself genuinely to prayers affords you the resource needed to be pure and holy. Your spiritual health is attested to by virtue of the buoyancy of your prayer life which translates to the availability of the eternal resource needed to live holy and pure.

One of the reasons why believers struggle with living holy is because they have not fully yielded themselves to prayer enough to obtain the resource needed for living holy.

Prayers keeps you away from sin as much as sin keeps you away from prayers. To lead holy, godly, and pure lives, believers must be given continually to prayers.


The place of prayers in the life of a believer can never be overly emphasized. A believer who doesn't pray is disconnected from his life-source and such a disconnection amounts to death.

If you must navigate through this world victoriously, if you must obtain every benefit Christ's death on the cross brought you, if you must check the devil out of the way in your life, family and territory, and make it to our eternal home in heaven then you must undertake and master the art of prayers.

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