The Last Beacon of Hope For The World

In a world beset by varying degrees of ills, turbulence, pestilence, and troubles we have sought solutions but no solution found has proven to bear any lasting effect.

From famine to drought to war to global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer to crime to the outbreak of killer diseases to cyber attacks to bad politicking and governance to fraud and so on the world has continually plunge into depths of doom, ruin and destruction.

The world has lost its original balance of peace, tranquility and order and it their place disorder, chaos and conflicts have being established. 

Several methods and tactics have being applied to salvage the world but none has yielded any result. Intellects have failed, valiance has failed, leaders have failed almost all of the corrective measure which we have implemented in the world today have failed!

Is this the fate of the world? Was this world created to be destroyed? Can there ever be a remedy for the ruins the world has plunged into? What can be done to save that which is left of this world? What can salvage the world?

It would interest you to know that despite all the measures that have failed in our bid to salvage our world there remains one last beacon of hope.

There's is one, just one solution which the world has employed. There is one measure which has being in existence for long but has been despised by all and sundry.

"In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." – 2 Corinthians 4:4

This beacon of hope is the man, Jesus the Christ.

Jesus is the best, standard and authentic solution to all of the world's problems. He is the remedy to all which seems to be out of place in the world.

The world continues to remain in this perpetual state of ruin and in this distorted form because it has refused to acknowledge the supremacy of Jesus as the Christ, accept Him and come under His Lordship.

How is Jesus the solution to the problem of the world? Don't worry I would show you...

God created the world and according to Genesis 1:31 He saw that it was good. Good meaning that the world was perfect, established in good working order.

Along the line, sin crept into the glorious world which God had created. The first man and woman (Adam and Eve) fell to the sin of disobedience in Genesis 3 and opened the door for the devil to disconfigure the world which God has configured properly well.

The entrance of sin gave the devil dominion over the world and as his form is the devil's mandate is to kill, steal, and ultimately destroy (John 10:10). It is on the strength of this that the devil has perpetrated ills and evil in the world.

But Jesus rose to the rescue.

"And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." – Matthew 1:21

Jesus came so that He would save us from sin. Sin brought and facilitated doom in the world and Jesus came to deliver the world from it.

God's love for you and I was showcased when He allowed Jesus to die for us so that we might be free from sin.

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved."– John 3:16-17

God does not want anyone of us to perish. He doesn't want the world to continue on the path of doom and destruction which sin has placed us on hence He(God) allowed Jesus to come die for us.

Jesus died on the cross to save human race from what she is going through. His death was meant to purge us off the effect and influence of sin.

The reason why the world is still threading the path of destruction despite the fact that Jesus has died is because the world and all that is in it have not accepted the free gift of salvation which Jesus' death procured.

The world would not stop plunging into depths of ruins until we turn away from our evil ways, repent and accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour before He would save the world.

Jesus is the last beacon of hope for the world.

Are you saved? Have you accepted Jesus' free gift of Salvation? Are you comfortable in the pleasures of sin? 

I counsel you today to give up your evil ways and accept Jesus today. Jesus is the answer, the only legit answer for the world. No other corrective measure would work except His own measure.

If you're not right with God I urge you to say this prayer with me;

Lord Jesus,
I acknowledge I am a sinner
I acknowledge that you died to save me from sin 
I acknowledge that you are the last beacon of hope for the world
Today, I decide to forsake my sins
I decide to live for you and you alone 
Show me mercy
Help me live righteously and holy
Thank you Lord 
In Jesus name

If you prayed that prayer above I congratulate you. You have just received a new life, free of sin and satanic oppression. 

To begin living this new life you have received please join this WhatsApp group specially created for you so that you can begin to learn all that there's to start living this new life you've just received.

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By God's grace I would lead you through the steps in becoming established and grounded in God. 
Please join the WhatsApp group, Click Here 

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You're lifted!
